Chapter: 84 Part 1

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This chapter came out really long! Sorry about that (: so it is divided into two parts hehe enjoy! And it's dedicated to my beautiful friend Claudia love you bby 


Chapter: 84

Sunday; February 18, 2018


My birthday is finally here. It just feels like a slow day, I don't feel eighteen. It feels like any other day. My parents took me out to dinner along with my brother. We spend the day together then they dropped me off at Savvy's.

She wanted to celebrate with me and our other friends. Her uncle and mom let her have a sleepover.

Only thing that sucks is, we can't stay up too late since tomorrow is school. Like why does my birthday have to be on a Sunday?

"Everything is set and ready, Ash helped me out she's a pro," Savannah giggles as Ash nods in agreement. The snacks are all in her room. I sat my sleeping bag down along with my bag that has my toothbrush and pajamas etc. Also, my backpack for school tomorrow and another pair of clothes.

"So who else is coming?" I ask sitting down on her bed.

"It's just us two, and Rachel," Savannah replies.

"Her mom didn't let her invite more, either way it's usually just us so," Ash smiles shrugging.

"Don't you live with Rachel? Where is she?" I chuckle at Ash.

"Ahh she had to do some stuff with her family, Louis is hanging out with Edward so yeah her and Niall are with their parents. They are dropping her off soon."

"Cool," I smile as we then hear the doorbell.

"That must be Rache," Savvy smiles as we follow her out. Her mom already opened the door revealing Rachel and Niall.

"Hey girly!" Savannah smiles hugging her.

"Sup?" Rachel giggles pulling back. "Birthday girl!" She attacks me into a hug making me laugh.

"Thanks," I smile pulling back. She hands me my gift bag.

"Happy birthday Claudia," Niall smiles over at me. I can't help but blush.

On Valentine's day, I felt like I was dreaming. I know he was giving out those chocolates to all of us, but it felt sweet though when he gave me one.

We have crossed a couple of words sometimes. It's a progress since I am too shy to talk to him.

"Th-thank y-you," I smile blushing.

"Okay bye bro," Rachel laughs closing the door on him before he can let out another word.

"Alright girls, Zac is out, he'll be back late. I'm hanging out with a few friends will be back before midnight. Savvy, behave please," her mom starts explaining.

"Mommm, I'm old enough okay?" Savannah rolls her eyes chuckling.

"I know, just remember I don't want you out of the house. The sleepover is here, and no boys," Ms. Erickson raises her eyebrows.

"As if any boy would want to come over," Savvy rolls her eyes chuckling.

"Niall seems like he wanted to sleepover," her mom laughs. "Savannah I'm serious."

"Okay mom."

"There's $40 on the coffee table," her mom keeps saying as Savannah playfully pushes her out the door. "In case you girls get hungry order pizza, no boys, and in bed by ten!"

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