Chapter: 4

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Chapter: 4


English went by fast but my nerves wouldn't go away. Why do I care if Harry sits behind me, the one I like is Edward. I guess because he's in there too. In the back, what if he's been observing me?

Claudia wouldn't stop smirking at me once in a while. She knows I like Edward, she figured it out on her own. Am I that obvious?

The bell rings and I gather my things. So glad it's lunch then one more class and I'm done. I turn around but am face to face with Harry as he stood up. He smiles shyly fixing his glasses and his binder and textbook. He grabs his backpack putting it over his shoulder as he turns around walking out the door.

I walk out later as Claudia follows. She smiles putting her long black curls to the side.

"Come on let's go get in line!" Jayy grabs our arms as she leads us to the cafeteria.

"Don't you have friends?" I raise my eyebrows as we wait at the lunch line.

"Umm yeah...? Jadelyn!" She waves over as Jade rushes over to the line.

I roll my eyes because I hate when people cut in line. I look over as the whole cheerleading squad sit down at their table. Like no one can sit there. Niall, Louis and some other soccer players along with football players sit there too.

Niall obviously sits next to his girlfriend Alexa. He kisses her as she smiles wrapping her arms around his neck and runs her fingers through his hair.

As the line continues to move, later then appears Zayn with Edward. Kendall was with the rest of the jock squad and I saw the tension as they glance at each other. Edward sits with Zayn at a different table. Not only that, at Zayn's girlfriend's table.

Ash looks a bit shocked because Zayn never really sits with her since he's always with Edward. Rachel looks uncomfortable in a way. I saw how Edward sat next to her as he starts talking to her.

"Oh my," Claudia says and I look away. Damn why am I so obvious?!

"You like Edward?" Jadelyn whispers.


"You can do better just saying," she shrugs.

"Yeah like Harry is better," Jayy smiles and I roll my eyes.

We finally get to go next and show our I.D's as we get our lunch. Yay nachos!

We also get those ice slush things. They are in a form of rectangle you either get red or blue. And we get some fruit and our milk or juice.

I'm about to walk out of the cafeteria, I usually eat by the library or outside, but Jayy stops me.

"Where are you going? Come sit with us."

"Umm why?" I raise my eyebrows as Claudia pulls me next to her.

"Just sit," she laughs as I sigh sitting down.

"You do know I don't make friends."

"Why are you that way?" Jadelyn chuckles.

"Because I rather be alone."

"Hey I'm your friend, there's nothing wrong with making more. Besides, Jayy and Jadelyn are really cool," Claudia smiles.

"Whatever just let me eat in peace," I sigh starting to eat my nachos.

Jayy and Jadelyn start talking among themselves but obviously, I could hear them.

"You won't believe what happened in Anatomy," Jadelyn tells Jayy.

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