Chapter: 22

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Another update! :D


Chapter: 22

Picture below is what the girls are wearing to the party :D

Picture below is what the girls are wearing to the party :D

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2 hours before the Party

Current time: 5:10pm


"Your friend is here!" I hear my uncle as I make my way out of my room and down the stairs.

"Hey Claudia, I thought we were meeting at the party?" I chuckle as she smiles giving me a hug.

"I came so we can get ready together! Come on," she grabs my hand dragging me back up to my room. I groan as it's still too early.

I don't really care to look all nice for a stupid party. I already have the guy I like. There's no one else I want to impress, you know.

I kept complaining to Claudia how early it still is. I just wanted to watch Netflix before I even had to worry in getting ready.

"Stop being such a baby," she tells me as she looks through my closet.

"Well, we all been babies at some point in our lives..," I chuckle as she looks at me.

"You know what I meant."

I shrug as I sit on my bed.

"Ooooh you will wear this."

"No way I'm wearing a skirt," I warn her but she just ignores me and grabs the top for it.

"Come on, you want to look great right? Kendall might be there, so you have to look super hot," she smiles at me wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and lay back on my bed.

Can't wait for the night to be over...


"You look so pretty! Awwe baby," my mom hugs me tight almost leaving me out of breathe.

"Mommm, I can't breathe."

"Ooops," she laughs pulling back. Claudia has curled my hair, done my make-up, can't say I'm not nervous because I am shaking in fear.

"No way," my uncle walks over as he raises his eyebrows. My skirt wasn't even that short, it's black and flowy and it goes a bit below my knees. I'm wearing long black boots, and a white crop top. Claudia wouldn't take no for an answer. I feel naked. I'm not very confident with my body.

"Zac, she looks stunning," my mom tells him but he shakes his head.

"You're showing too much."


"Zachary, that's what the style is now."

"At least she's not wearing those types of shirts that look like bras..," Claudia defends. "Omg though Selena did rock those back then!"

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