*Chapter: 102*

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Enjoy this chapter because I enjoyed writing it (:

Btw I don't write full on smut on here cause people know me and yeah ... so enjoy the love scene I tried my best haha :D


Song for this Chapter: Need You Tonight; R5

Chapter: 102

Friday; May 18, 2018


Over a week it has been, since I last seen my uncle. His last words to me where that he'll see me around. I told my mom and she told me he has told her he's going with uncle Victor for a few days. He retired already so we were stuck with a last minute replacement for History class.

I have been really worried, I hope he really did go with uncle Victor and everything is alright.

I talked with Harry on the phone to distract myself from these thoughts. But they wouldn't go away. I would distant myself on my own thoughts that got Harry to call out for me several times.

"S-sorry," I whisper scratching my forehead.

"Are you still worried about your uncle?"

"Yeah it's just I need to speak to him you know, in order to make sure he's with him," I tell Harry.

"You can do that tomorrow, call your other uncle and I'm sure he's right there just taking a vacation."

"I hope so."

"Hey, want to go out?"

"Right now?"

"Yeah why not?"

"It's kind of late Harry," I giggle laying down on my bed staring up at the ceiling.

"It will be fun I promise. I just want to see that beautiful smile of yours. I already miss it."

"You're so cheesy, you just saw me hours ago," I laugh sitting up with a smile.

"Even after two minutes of not seeing you, I miss you already. I'll be there in a bit."

I smile hanging up as I go to my closet and put on some jeans and a shirt. I slip on my flats and leave my hair down as I apply eyeliner and mascara.

I go to the restroom and brush my teeth, then spray some perfume as I just wait for him.


"Mom I'll be back I promise," I sigh as my mom protests I go out. It's ten at night. Still I'm not a child to be told to be back by bedtime.

"Just be careful, Harry I hold you full responsible for her," she warns him.

"Yes ma'am. I'll bring her back before midnight I promise," he smiles at her as she then hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Be careful."

"I will mom," I giggle and follow Harry out to his mom's car.

He drives into the darkness, makes me feel like I'm going on those road trips in scary movies. The road is pitch black, the only light are the headlights of the car.

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