Chapter: 76

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Chapter: 76

Sunday; December 31, 2017


"I'm so bored," Claudia laughs on the other side of the phone. I giggle in my room as I'm on Facebook and talking to her.

"Tell me about it, back home at least I had my grandpa and my other uncle. But I don't have cousins so I'm like bored everywhere."

"That's crazy that you don't have cousins wait I thought you did though."

"Oh yeah my cousin Casey? She's annoying, she's younger than me and yet thinks she's the oldest and thinks she can get every guy. Just like she would always steal the guys I liked," I sigh.

"She's stupid. At least you don't have to deal with her."

"That's the good thing of us living away from them, cause I don't see her," I huff laying down on my stomach scrolling through Facebook.

"Sweetheart come on it's almost New Year's," I hear my mom outside my door.

"K! Uh I got to go Claud."

"Uggh okay. I should get back to my boring family," she laughs. "Happy New Year!! Wanted to be the first to tell you."

"Happy New Year bitch," I giggle and hang up as I close my laptop. I walk out of my room and downstairs as my uncle has champagne ready. He hands me a glass as we watch the countdown on TV.


I sigh as I'm with Taylor at her New Year's Eve party. Kendall and all the jocks are there. I stay seated on the couch with a beer as I drink it all. Everyone is counting down the seconds as it's almost New Year's.

I look down at my phone as Edward sent me a text that I should be with him and mum. I ignore him and get up as I notice a brunette. My heart skips a beat as I walk closer.

"Anna," I whisper and soon enough, that brunette turns to a blonde.

"What?" Taylor raises her eyebrows at me. "Did you just call me Hannah?"

"Anna actually," I correct her and furrow my eyebrows. "I mean uh so uh," I signal to the countdown making my way there as everyone cheers yelling happy new year.

I sigh and then am startled as Taylor hugs me taking my breathe away.

"Happy new year baby!"

I cringe pulling her away.

"You too Taylor," I grab another beer and make my way outside chugging down the can.


"Happy new year!!" We all yell as we start hugging each other. We finish drinking our champagne as our parents let us drink this once.

I laugh hugging Rachel ruffling her hair.

"Happy new year kiddo."

"I am not a kiddo," she glares at me playfully and laughs as she goes and hugs Ash.

"Who wants more champagne?" Mrs. Horan smiles grabbing the bottle.

We all rush over getting more refills and drink. I go on my phone sending many of my other friends the happy new year message. I stop by Alexa's name.

Me: Hey beautiful, I hope you have the best New Year yet. Just wanted to wish you a happy new year (:

I wait for a reply and soon get one.

Alexa: Thank you. Wish you the same.

Not very satisfied with her answer but it's a process, right?

Monday; January 1, 2018

I wake up late as I then am stopped by my dad's office. I walk in as he sits down behind his desk and smiles at me.

"How are you son?"

"I'm good dad, happy new year again aye."

"Happy new year," he chuckles clasping his hands together. "Uh listen, so I was thinking, after you and Louis graduate, maybe you want to take over my office?"

"What? Wait you serious?"

"Yes, I'm going to be going on a trip by May and I need someone I can trust to be in charge."


"Or are you planning in getting out of the state to go to college somewhere else?"

"Not really, I was thinking in applying somewhere around here. Maybe in LA."

"Then will you be willing to work as the boss?" He grins. "If you need help you can message me but most likely you'll have my friend Marcus. He will be by your side helping you in every way possible."

"Thanks dad, uh can I let you know later? I need to think about it."

"Of course son. Tell Louis of the offer too."

"Will do," I smile and walk out. Whoa I can work at the office, be the boss. Maybe it won't be that bad.


"I don't want to go to school next week," I groan laughing as I walk with Claudia around the park.

"Same, I love just being at home and waking up late," she giggles.

"Girl, I can't believe it's 2018! Like whoa that was quick."

"I knowww. Next thing you know it's 2020," she laughs shaking her head.

"Next thing you know, you're married to Niall having three beautiful babies," I laugh teasing her making her blush.

"Shut up. What about you?"

"What about me?" I chuckle raising my eyebrows.

"What if in four years, you're married to Harry. And have your little boy. Then you have a girl because I know you want to have a boy first so he can take care of his baby sister."

"Oh shut up," I laugh mocking her back. "Whoa... Harry? I'm never marrying Harry. He hates me and I'm with Liam."

"I bet, that it will be Harry. In four years if my predictions don't happen, then I owe you concert tickets to your future favorite band," she grins making me laugh.

"Yeah right, fine. And if you're right then uh I'll pay a vacation for you and Niall."

"Hey maybe I don't end up with Niall."

"You never know," I giggle as we make our way to the ice cream truck. I get myself some ice cream as so does Claudia. We continue walking but I stop.

"What is it?" Claudia asks and she looks over the direction I'm looking.

My heart.

"Oh," she says as we both stare at Harry and Taylor holding hands walking her stupid chihuahua.


I'm excited for you guys to find out who plays the characters mentioned :D 

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