Chapter: 14

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Chapter: 14


    I rush over to class before Edward could catch up to me. I know I can't hide from him, I have next class with him! I sit down as my heart is beating loudly, loud enough for me to hear.

    I look up and see Harry stop near his seat. He glares at me then turns around as he goes and sits next to Jayy.

    "Mind if I sit here?" I hear him ask. I have no idea what I did to him so he would act this way! Great. Why do I care anyway.

    I hear them laugh as I sigh looking their way. The class then fills up and Niall goes and takes the seat next to me.

    "May I help you?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

    "I just wanted to talk," he chuckles. I decide to avoid looking at him. That image is still stuck inside my head. "Hey it's okay, you're not the first to see someone—"

    "Would you stop that?" I hiss glaring at him as he chuckles putting up his hands in defense.

    "Sorry. Did you get to finish your project?"

    "Oh indeed, though your girlfriend wouldn't stop complaining on how boring this is and if we are done. Like every five minutes repeatedly."

    Niall laughs as that catches Harry's attention. He glares at me fixing his glasses and turns back around as our teacher walks in.

    "Did you do something to Harry?" Niall whispers.

    "I don't even know what I did."


    I groan as class finishes and I grab my textbook walking out over to my locker putting it away. I jump back when I feel a touch on my shoulder.

    "Sorry," Edward smiles shyly at me and I roll my eyes grabbing my Anatomy textbook shutting my locker. I start walking away but he grabs my arm gently. "Let me explain."

    "Explain what? Your little game? Go on I'm listening," I pull my arm back as I cross both arms against my chest.

    "I was just telling Kendall not to be messing with Harry. She's a whore you know that."

    "Aha sure."

    "I wasn't doing anything I swear! Kendall and I are over. We're history."

    "How am I supposed to believe you?"

    "This Saturday I'll prove it at Niall's party."

    "You're going?"

    "It's a party," he chuckles and looks at me. "Please sweetheart."

    "Fine, Saturday prove it."

    He smiles and kisses my cheek sweetly as I feel shivers all over my skin. His lips are still close to my cheek as he then whispers huskily.

    "Thank you love."

    He backs up as he smiles and heads to class. I sigh following him as we both enter over to our seats.

    The class goes on quite fast. Edward smiles at me as we gather our things.

    "Oh I'm trying out for the soccer team just letting you know," he smiles and I chuckle raising my eyebrows.

    "Why would I want to know?"

    "That hurts," he chuckles pouting. "Maybe come by after school and see me try out?"

    "Are you sure soccer is your thing?" I smile as he winks.

    "You'll see babe," he walks over to Zayn as they whisper walking out. I walk out as well as Jadelyn follows me.

    "So you and Edward dating? Or what's the deal?"

    "We are not dating, I don't even know what I am to him," I tell her as she hums.

    We head over to history class as my uncle smiles fixing up the board.

    "You ladies ready?"

    "Yes I'm excited," Jade giggles as she sits down. Harry then walks in and avoids me. I sigh taking my seat as bit by bit the class fills up.

    "Alright who wants to go first?" My uncle smiles looking around at the class. "Savannah..."

    Oh great. Pick on me uncle!

    "Umm someone else can go..."

    "We'll go," Harry stands up as Jadelyn does so as well. I sigh in relief as they walk to the front. He connects his flash drive as we all wait for his power point to appear. He goes to his folder as he opens up his slideshow.

    Everyone pays attention as he speaks. He talks with so much determination it is so admirable. His accent rings through my ears, he tucks some of his short curls behind his left ear as he explains his theory.

    His presentation has been splendiferous, I have no other words. He knows what to do so well. He sounds smart and courageous.

    Jade gives out her thoughts and reads a couple of sentences from the textbook to prove her point. They point out their resources and finish up with answering questions.

    As they finish, everyone claps and they go take their seat. I look at Harry as he glances at me for a bit.

    "Who's next?" My uncle asks as he glances at me. I sigh standing up and Alexa doesn't seem so contented. We walk up to front as I put the poster up on the board so everyone can see.

    I look over at the class as my eyes turn towards Harry as he glares at me. Geez why does it bother me so much he's this way towards me?

    Alexa reads some of her thoughts as she has the research paper. We continue on with our topic as everyone pays attention.

    We finish and everyone claps.

    "Very interesting," Zac smiles. I chuckle sitting back down as others continue to do their presentation.


    I head out of class as Harry walks by me.

    "That went well," he says. "Sorry I didn't mean to act like a jackass."

    I chuckle looking over at him.   

    "Is everything okay?"

    "I'll be fine," he smiles a bit. "Listen, uh you should come by after school."

    "Where to?"

    "The field, I'm going to try out for the team," he says.

    "You're trying out too?" My eyes widen as I look at him.



I'm so sorry for not updating! I was having trouble in writing, got a bit of writers block for a while but that's over (: I wanted to make this chapter perfect for you to read. I didn't want to write it all rushed before when I didn't know what to add on.

I hope you like itthank you so much for your patience babes it means the world 😘

Love you amansurvives   this chapter is dedicated to you (:

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