Chapter: 86

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This chapter is dedicated to my other bestie Rachel. Love you so much girl ❤❤


Song for this chapter: Love You Goodbye; One Direction

Chapter: 86

Thursday; March 1, 2018


I'm an asshole I know that. Why didn't I take that opportunity that Anna gave me a while back? Being friends and hanging out with her and the gang again.

I'm an idiot.

I was being selfish if you ask me. Knowing that Anna will never see me more than a friend hurts. I don't want to suffer and pretend that I'm okay with her and Liam. They have been distant but Monday he fixed things. He has done what I needed to do. Except I was a coward.

These past days I see them laughing and holding hands through the hallways. She likes him. He can make her smile unlike me.

"We both lost."

I hear Edward as I'm standing by my locker looking over at her and Liam.

"We can't lose at something we never had," I sigh.

"I mean as long as she's happy. I know I don't have a chance with her, I have to let her go," Edward mutters.

"I made that decision too," I say. "If I love her, I have to let her go."

"That's bullshit," he chuckles. "Why not fight for her?"

"She's happy with him. Besides, she liked you first remember? And if she's not giving you a chance then how will she give me one?"

"Because I fucked up bro. I made a stupid bet and lost her. You only confessed your feelings to her. You didn't really hurt her. Only that you have been ignoring her and hanging out with miss blondie over there," he rolls his eyes as Taylor walks over to us.

"Babe I missed you," she giggles grabbing me by my shirt about to kiss me but I pull her back.

"We need to talk," I sigh. She looks at me confused and I catch a smirk on Edward's face.

"If it's what I'm thinking, we're celebrating tonight," he gives me a thumbs up before walking away.

"What's he talking about?" Taylor questions fully dumbfounded.

"Let's go somewhere private," I grab her arm gently walking outside with her. "Umm listen, I don't think I can do this anymore."

"Do what?"

"This, us. I don't like you, I never have. The only reason I dated you was to keep my mind off of Savannah. She's the one I want. Not you or anyone else. Sorry but being popular is for losers. I rather have a few friends than a whole bunch of people that know not one thing about me. I don't know how anyone can stand you, now I get why Alexa left the group."

I feel her hand on my cheek stinging me.

"Any guy, would want this. But whatever Harry... you want trash? Then have at it. Don't come crawling to me once you miss me," she huffs flipping her hair as she walks inside.

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