Chapter: 36

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Chapter: 36


I'm glad I don't have to deal with Edward sitting next to me for like two hours. I smile in math class as I look over at Harry bored with this lecture. He looks so concentrated as he furrows his eyebrows.

He then catches my stare as he looks over and smiles. He makes a goofy smile as I giggle and Niall nudges my shoulder grabbing my attention.

"Is there a problem with my class?"

I shake my head as our teacher continues the lecture.

After class I walk out with Harry as he chuckles.

"You need to pay more attention in class Miss Anna."

"Oh hush, it's all your fault Styles," I laugh as we walk to our lockers. I grab my History book as does he. He smiles at me standing by my locker.

"You ready banana?"

I raise my eyebrows at him.

"What did you call me?"

"It rhymes with Anna. So you're my banana," he flickers my nose and walks away as I laugh.

"Heyyyy," I giggle walking with him towards my uncle's class. We take our seats and my uncle writes on the board. Jadelyn and Alexa walk over as she glares at her.

"Watch it loser."

"Sorry," Jade mumbles as she accidentally bumped with her. Alexa rolls her eyes and takes her seat behind me.

"You don't need to be rude," I turn to her as she glares at me.

"What are you? The police? Mind your own business."

I roll my eyes turning back around as my uncle continues the lesson.


"She has issues," I murmur walking with Harry to the cafeteria.

"That's Alexa to you. Has my brother tried anything with you?"

"Nope. Well he really didn't want anything to do with me from the beginning anyway."

"You do know I'm nothing like that."

I stop walking looking over at Harry as he fixes his glasses.

"I know," I smile at him. "That's why I like you."

"Y-you like me?"

"I mean, uh not in that way Harry. You're a sweet guy. You're my friend and I don't want you to change. Don't ever be a jerk like your brother please."

"Oh. Friend. Of course uh, and yeah no. I'm not like Edward. I could not be like him."

I smile hugging him. I pull back and grab his hand as we head to the lunch line. I catch Edward glaring at us.

"She prefers the geek over there?" Kendall laughs and I roll my eyes. "What a waste."

I see Alexa walking with Niall behind.

"Alexa we need to talk," I hear him say.

"Not now Niall, I'm too busy organizing the homecoming dance."


"Mmhm. I'm part of the committee," I see them sit down at their usual table.

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