Chapter: 77

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Song for this chapter: Love Too Much; Hunter Hayes

Chapter: 77

Monday; January 8, 2018


Back to school again. At least we got only a couple of months then goodbye High School and hello College. Though that doesn't seem so exciting as I thought it would. I would have to apply to so many scholarships. I don't want to depend on the Horans. That's not right.

I was going to put mum's car for sale but decided to leave it for Ash, so when she gets her license she can keep it. We would have to change everything on the insurance and such.

I walk with her inside the school's building. Niall offered to take us so we go all together. I just didn't want to bother him much with it.

"Hey lad how are you doing?" Edward smiles walking over.

"Good, you? How was Christmas with the fam?" I chuckle as he laughs.

"It was alright, for New Year's Harry didn't even spend it with us. Well he hasn't spent the holidays with us anyway. Mum is worried."

"He's such an asshole, are you sure you're not Harry and that's Edward?" I furrow my eyebrows. He laughs his dimples showing.

"Lad, Harry has always had short hair. He didn't grow it in a couple of months, and either way I might cut mine. It's getting too long and maybe get some highlights or something. Look cool you know."

"You're weird," I chuckle walking with him as Ash follows behind.

"Hey, I'm sorry of you and Niall being off the team. It's not fair, you two were the first ones there. You should put Harry in his place."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm not in the mood to be in any activity anyway."

"Oooh look who's making their way over," he grins as London walks towards us shyly.

"Louis, can we talk?" She asks quietly. I nod as I look at Edward who winks walking away.

"I'll see you later bro," Ash gives me a hug. I smile hugging her back.

"Take care sis, see you in lunch," I kiss her cheek as she smiles walking away. I look over at London relieved to see her. "What's up beautiful?"

"Umm," she takes my hand leading me somewhere a bit more private in a corner. "Louis I'm sorry uh but I uh don't think that umm."

I furrow my eyebrows as she keeps looking down at her hands.

"What's going on sweetheart?"

"I can't keep dating you," she looks up at me as I feel my heart sinking in.

"You can't?"

"I mean, it's just that uh well we hardly see each other. It doesn't seem that we are a couple."

"London," I sigh running my fingers through my hair. "I just lost my mother. What do you expect me to do?"

"I know, I'm sorry about that, but either way I think I like someone else. I don't think I can stop. I want to win his heart and I don't want to hurt you by being with you. It's not fair. You deserve someone that will like you only you. I'm sorry Louis, I do like you but not that way."

"It's okay," I chuckle. "No one likes me that way anyway," I shrug.

"Don't say that," she cups my face looking up at me. "You're the sweetest most handsomest guy that I know. She's out there. You just have to look deeper."

"You think I will find someone?"

"Of course, there is someone for everyone. I still want to be your friend. But I understand if you don't want that—"

"No yeah, I want that," I smile at her as I hug her. "I'm sorry I couldn't make you happy."

"Don't be sorry. I'm the one being such a you know," she laughs. I pull back and poke her nose.

"Nah, it's no one's fault. You can't help but feel what you feel. If you need someone to talk to you know where to find me."

"Same to you Louis," she smiles kissing my cheek as she walks away. I let out a sigh as I watch her walk away. It does hurt because I thought I had found someone finally. I guess things do happen for a reason.


"Savvy!" I laugh hugging her as it seems since forever that we've seen each other.

"Hey Rachel," she chuckles pulling back. "How was your New Year's Eve party?"

"We didn't have a party, it was just us. Yours?"

"Yeah just me with my uncle and mom. I don't have a big family so it's been that way always."

"That sucks, yeah we don't have a big family either. But we got each other," I smile as she agrees.

"Where is Ash?"

"I think she headed to class already. Her and Louis came separate."

"Ahh I see. So are they selling their stuff?"

"Yup. It makes sense he wants an apartment, something that won't cost as much as a house. It's a complicated process but my dad is helping."

"That's good," she smiles then her gaze lands over on a certain boy. Her smile fading. I look over as he's laughing with some jocks.

"I don't really recognize him," I tell her.

"Me neither. Uh I'll see you around," she smiles giving me one last hug as she walks off. I walk over to the hallway where my classroom is at but bump with someone.

"Watch it!"

"Sorry," Zayn whispers as he fixes his backpack. I furrow my eyebrows observing him. He doesn't look that good.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"Zayn you don't look fine. It looks like you haven't slept for years," I chuckle and he looks at me raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah I'm a vampire," he rolls his eyes and laugh. "I'm fine Rache really. It's just been a rough start. Not sure if this year will be any better."

"It will, just give it time. Don't put yourself down like that. You should sit with us at lunch."

"You do know Ash is there, she won't be happy about it. How is she by the way?"

"She's doing alright."

He nods looking down.

"I better get going to class. Nice talking to you Rachel."

"Bye Zayn, take care okay?"

He nods walking off.

I chuckle watching him leave as I sigh making my way to class.

I shouldn't bring Zayn up to Ash, she'll get more upset. 

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