Chapter: 48

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Chapter: 48

Wednesday; September 13, 2017


I make my way downstairs as Monica is cleaning.

"Morning! Where's everyone?" I ask as the house seems so quiet.

"Jessica and London already left for school, and your parents sir are at work," she says politely and I chuckle.

"Oh right, uh you do know what today is right?" I smile at her and she chuckles.

"It's your birthday how could I forget," she smiles and pulls a plate out as they are pancakes with frosting and chocolate and strawberries, bananas and blueberries. There is a birthday candle and she lights it up. "Make a wish Mr. Horan," she grins and I laugh smiling closing my eyes and blow the candle.

"Thank you Monica, but don't call me Mr. Horan or sir, I told you just to call me Niall. That makes me feel old."

"I'll remember that," she laughs and I smile sitting down as I eat the pancakes.


I drive to school and smile walking inside the building. I have checked my social media no one has said anything. That's strange.

"Lou!" I wave over as Louis is with Ash.

"Hey mate," he smiles and Ash walks off.

"Uhh how's it going," I do our handshake and he chuckles.

"Good, you?"

"Good too... you do know what today is right?" I frown and he furrows his eyebrows thinking.

"It's Wednesday."

"Yeah but the day exact."
"I don't know mate, I'm not good with dates you know that," he laughs patting my back and walks off.

I sigh and smile spotting Alexa as she's with the rest of the cheerleading squad.

"Hey beautiful."

She looks over and rolls her eyes.

"What do you want?"

"I been trying to reach you all day yesterday, you been avoiding me—"

"If I'm avoiding you don't you think it's because I don't want to be found?"


"No. Don't Alexa me, I can't forgive you for what you did alright? Guys think it's easy to ask for forgiveness but you don't know what us girls feel inside. We forgive and you jerks keep doing it. I don't trust you Niall, not anymore," she sighs and walks off.

I make my way to my locker opening it as a an envelop falls. I pick it up smiling as I take the card out being a birthday card. My smile fades seeing it's from Jessica. I thought Alexa would do this but guessing she doesn't care.

"Heyyy," Jessica smiles standing besides my locker. I nod at her shutting my locker. "I see you got my card."

"Thanks but I don't need it."

"Niall, I'm sorry okay? I just want this behind us."

"I told you until me and Alexa are in good terms then yeah we'll talk. Thanks for the card, seems like you're the only one that remembers."

"No one else remembers your birthday? Not even Alexa?"

"Alexa just can't forgive me so I don't think that's on her mind, and Louis he's just forgetful. I'm sure everyone else remembers, the day just started anyway."

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