Chapter: 72

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Don't kill me guys I felt like adding some drama that will probably make you cry. Uhh so prepare your tissues D: 

This took me forever to write and it's long so enjoy! :D


Song for this chapter: Sign of the Times; Harry Styles 

Chapter: 72

Friday; December 1, 2017


These two weeks of break seemed so short. I'm still upset for the fact that we come back to school on a Friday. Like what? Why can't we just have Friday off as well and just be back on Monday.

We didn't do much for first period so mostly everyone just talked or were on their phones. I would look over at Harry wondering how his break went.

After class, he would be the first to walk out. I sigh gathering my things making my way out as well. I spot him walking over to Taylor as she grabs his arm leading him to her locker.

I roll my eyes and go to my locker grabbing my Anatomy textbook. I walk over to the science building and into class taking my seat.

I look over as Zayn takes his seat. He hasn't been coming to school that much, I hardly ever see him.

He looks tired as if he has never gotten any sleep. He glances over making me shift uncomfortably in my seat as my gaze looks elsewhere.

I look over again as he just takes out his headphones and lays his head down on the desk listening to his iPod.

Everyone makes their way into class.

"Headphones off Zayn," Mrs. Holly pulls them off as she makes her way to the front.

"Hey," Edward smiles at me as I simply nod. We pull out our notebooks and start taking notes.

This class is so hard, the past quizzes and exams have been hell. I'm not ready for the final. We have to memorize all kinds of stuff and my brain is just fried.

As class finishes, Edward walks with me.

"Listen, I know last time we talked well it was awkward," he starts as I chuckle.

"It's whatever Edward, I told Liam about it and he's okay as long as well it's nothing more. And me and you, are clearly nothing more right?"

He bites his lip nodding as he glances down.

"See ya," I smile a bit as I make my way to third period.

I take my seat and Alexa follows. I sigh turning around facing her as she takes her seat behind me.

"What?" She glares at me making me chuckle.

"I just wanted to know how was your thanksgiving break."

"There's nothing interesting about it. I heard you threw a party and only invited your close friends."

"Yeah, I mean it was just us few. The usual that I hang out with."

"I know I'm not your friend, no need to explain yourself. I just thought Harry was your friend," she smirks looking over to her right.

I turn back over noticing Harry about to sit down looking at us as he heard his name.

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