Chapter: 26

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I'm so sorry for not updating! Writer's block sucks bad and I got caught up with my reading and shows lol :D but here is an update as promised. I hope you like it! This is dedicated to the most amazing person ever! Love you so much friend :) Musicismybestfrand btw she plays Rachel haha



Chapter: 26


       When I got home I texted Rachel to see if she can help me out tomorrow, and lie to my uncle that we are going to hang out. I had to keep pleading over text message so she can ask her brother for this favor.

       I sighed as I got into my pajamas which consists of my sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I put my hair up into a ponytail and hear my phone beep indicating a new text notification.

       I grab it opening up the message and smile in victory as Rachel confirmed that they will pick me up before ten.


       The next day I wake up around eight in the morning, and go shower and get myself ready. I decide to leave my hair the way it is as I finished putting mousse on it so it will curl. I should take a break from straightening my hair every day.

       I put on eyeliner and mascara and some lip gloss. I brush my teeth as I finish up with putting one of my favorite fragrances; bodycology: cherish the moment.

       I wore a dark blue spaghetti strap blouse and black skinny jeans with my black vans. I wore a necklace as I grab my bag and head out of my room.

       I walk down the stairs as my uncle is in the kitchen with my mom

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       I walk down the stairs as my uncle is in the kitchen with my mom.

       "You're up early," he chuckles then furrows his eyebrows as he notices I'm dressed as my bag hangs on my left shoulder. "Going somewhere?" He takes a sip of his mug.

       My mom pours coffee on hers as she looks at me with a smile.

       "Uhh yeah, Rachel wants to hang out today," I smile a bit as I bite the inside of my cheeks.

       "With the permission of whom?"

       Damn uncle.


       "Sweetheart, you already saw her at that party."

       "And? I can't go out?"

       "Until you're twenty-one you can do whatever you want."


       "You still live under my roof, so my house my rules."

       "Fine. Then I'll move out," I storm away and I hear him sigh as I feel my arm being grabbed. I turn around to face him and roll my eyes.

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