Safe House

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The safe house was on a beach, around where I used to live with Tej. Being here brought back so many memories. In Florida, not only did Tej and I meet but Roman and I became brothers again.

This place is like a mansion. Endless rooms, a great security system and it's perfect for Katherine to hide. I don't know why, I just met her but I want to protect her. Once we were all settled, the team and I sat down on the patio with Kaleb.

"So, what's the deal with your sister?" Dom asked.

"She's a bitch." Letty chimed in.

"No. She's just been through a lot. I love the bastard but she's a bitch-" Kaleb began.

"And smart and funny and confident and sexy and oh yeah, quick." Katherine was suddenly standing in the door way, crossing her arms. She gave Kaleb this look that even made me cower back into my seat.

"Relax, sister." Kaleb held up a hand. "Go get a drink or something."

"I do as I please." Katherine flipped her hair like a runway model.

Roman raised his hand. Katherine looked at him.

"Are you single because damn." Roman gave her body a once over.

I did my best to keep my eyes on her eyes.

"Ah, your one of those." Katherine clicked her tongue.

"What?" Roman frowned.

"One of those thirsty guys." Katherine flipped her hair and walked by us.

Her scent hit my nose. It was an expensive perfume but god, it lingered.

"Where are you going?" Kaleb stood.

"To get that drink. I'll be back soon." She walked to a red Porche.

"Be back here by ten." Kaleb called.

She gave him the finger.

"Why did she shut me down like that?" Rome hissed.

"Many guys have broken her heart before." Kaleb sat back down.

"What?" I frowned. "She's gorgeous...the attitude part is difficult but can easily be put up with."

"Her last heartbreak was three years ago and he brainwashed her and made her just look at everything like a threat." Kaleb sighed."I worry about her sometimes."

Jesus. Katherine sounds complicated as hell. But she's human and she can feel. I just have to show her she can trust After all, her and Kaleb are apart of the team now. We must protect her just as we do one another.

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