I'll Be There

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I'm eight months pregnant. Eight long and painful months. I stay in bed, eat and sleep. My feet get so swollen at times it's hard for me to get up and use the bathroom. My babies...I can honestly say it's worth it. In the day, maybe two of them sleep and at night they're awake, kicking like crazy. The third one only kicks occasionally in the night but mostly in the day. I can feel all three of them, moving around. It's the best thing ever.


My phone is ringing non stop in the middle of the night. It's Kaleb. I debate on answering because I'm in severe pain but I went to the doctor a few days ago and he told me it's false labor and it's natural with pregnancy. I answered it. Brian was sleeping peacefully beside me, on his stomach. He's so precious.

"Hey, brother." I whispered.

"I'm outside. Got a minute to talk?" He sounded bad. He's drunk but this tone...it wasn't the booze, it was sadness.

"Yeah. Come in. You have the passcode. I'm coming down." I hung up.

I slowly sat up, the pain doubling. I rise from the bed, wincing because my feet was aching as well. Brian stirred but didn't wake up. I blew him a kiss and waddled downstairs, holding my belly. Kaleb is waiting in the living room. He jumps up when I'm on the last step. He helps me over to the couch where I laid down. He sat by my head, on the floor. His face was saddened. In that moment, my pain vanished and my world circled around my brother.

"Hey." I whispered. "What's going on?"

"I...I don't know. It's like..." He paused. "What's my purpose anymore?"

"What do you mean, love?" I rubbed my belly.

"I feel worthless." He began to cry.

"Kaleb. Where is this coming from?" I frowned, concerned for his mental health.

"I'm just sad all the time and I tried to drink to help it but even that didn't work and I just don't want to do it anymore." He shrugged, wiping his tears.

"Do what?"

"Life, Katherine. I don't want to do life anymore." He hung his head.

"Kaleb Lance Howard." I sucked in a breath. "Don't you dare say that. Are you kidding me? You're amazing. You're so fucking awesome, dude. Your purpose...our purpose is to fight the enemy. Defeat the enemy. And this depression is the enemy, honey. I'm your twin sister. And I love you more than I love myself. In less than a month, you're going to be the uncle of my baby girls and they are going to love you. I want them to see you, not hear stories about you. You're so much better than what you think. A million times better! You deserve the fucking world. So me and you...we're in this together. You can call me at four in the morning and I will pick that phone up and talk to you, for hours or minutes. I love you."

He smiled sadly. "I love you, too."

The pain came back, sharper than before. Kaleb places his hands on my stomach and smiled at the baby he was feeling kick. I felt something leak down my legs, slowly. I paused. Then...BURST! It came flooding like a fucking water fountain. The agony I was feeling was indescribable. I showed no signs though, of my pain. I sat up.

"My water broke." I sighed.

"What?" Kaleb stood, panicked.

"Dude, relax." I held up a hand. "Go upstairs, wake Brian and Alina."

Kaleb darted up the stairs. I slowly waddled to the  closet and grabbed the overnight bag and the baby bag. Brian came rushing downstairs. I paused.

"What are you doing?" He took the bags from me. "Are you okay?"

"Im fine." I waved my hand. "Go get the car ready."

Brian didn't move. He was confused. Probably at how calm I was.

"GO!" I shouted.

Brian began running to the car outside. Alina came downstairs, Alina was already dressed and ready.

"Can I have sex with her?" Kaleb asked me, typing on his phone.

Alina smiled, flattered. Oh God.

Brian came back in, on the phone. He was telling someone to hurry because the birth is going to happen soon. Kaleb was texting my mother. Alina helped me out to the car. The backseat of our car already had the car seats installed so Alina road with Kaleb. Brian notified the entire team within five minutes. We made it to the hospital in three. We went up to the desk and told them what was going on. Brian had to fill out some paperwork and I waited, patiently.

A wheelchair was bought to me and wheeled me into a room. It was that moment when it hit me...

I, Katherine Leveen Howard, the killer, would be the Mother of three little girls. It was that moment I realized my life would change forever.



I've been crazy busy these past few days. I've had this chapter halfway done and I was on my way to sleep but then I decided to finish and post.

How do you feel about the chapter? Give me a 👍🏼 or a 👎🏼.


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