Hate Him

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I lounge on the living room couch, rubbing my stomach, trying to get the babies to kick again. I felt it earlier today. I was going to tell Brian after I scolded him for not bringing me food but he hung up on me, so oh well. I softly coo to my munchkins but nothing was rattling in there so I gave up. Then the door opened and Brian stepped in with suitcases and Alina followed. She's a killer, I can tell.

"Katherine Howard." Alina asked.

"Yup." I nodded.

"Alina Popov. You have baby?" Her English was broken up.

"Three, actually." I replied.

"I help with babies. I clean. You give me bed, I help. Deal?" Alina asked.

"Uhm, sure." I shrugged.

"I'll show you to your room." Brian informed her.

"I handle it." She took the suitcases.

"Okay. Third door on the left." Brian instructed.

Alina nodded and went upstairs. I turned to Brian.

"You have some serious balls." I stood.

"Katherine." Brian whispered.

"I am pregnant with not one but three fucking babies and I call you because I'm hungry and can't get out of fucking bed to cook myself a satisfying meal and you hang up on me? You bloody fuck!" I growled.

"I was wrong. I'm sorry." He answered.

"Damn straight you are." I nodded.

He didn't reply. Alina came downstairs.

"Beautiful home. Brian, you give tour. Katherine, you rest." Alina instructed.

"Uhm, okay." Brian nodded, leading her into the kitchen.

I laid back on the couch, upset. I feel the babies kicking again and just like that, all of my anger faded. I placed my hand on the spot and smiled. My little pumpkin seeds. I go for a sonogram in two days and plus, I'm really getting swollen. I hear Brian talking to Al so I just live this moment alone. I closed my eyes and just reeled in the emotions I got from those little kicks. Happy. I was happy. When they were finished, Alina was looking at our photos on the walls and Brian sat next to me.

"Still mad at me?" He asked, cautiously.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on the spot where one baby was kicking. His face lit up, elated. His mouth opened and he said nothing, just felt.

"My little girls." He whispered, finally.

He kissed my stomach and then kissed me. "I love you."

"I love you." I replied.

"Babies kick first time?" Alina came over.

"Well, they began earlier. You have fifteen siblings?" I asked.

"Correct." Alina nodded. "I take care most."

"Was it hard?"

Alina snickered. "Babies, hard. Toddlers, harder. Teens, assholes."

I laughed to.

"You two? Happy marry?" She asked.

"Yeah." I frowned in confusion.

"So raise babies happy." Alina shrugged. "Babies no like conflict."

"Hear that Brian? Babies don't like conflict." I winked.

"Well, you're the one that always causes it." He shrugged.

"You fucking bitch!" I began.

Alina whistled. "No!"

Brian gave me a look. I smiled wide. I think I'm going to like Alina. She goes back upstairs to unpack her bags and I stand.

"Want some lunch?"

"How long have you been downstairs?" He asked.

"About an hour." I nodded.

"You're going upstairs." Brian informed me.

"Dude, I was laying on the couch mostly." I rolled my eyes.

"Let's go." Brian instructed.

"I'm fine, dude." I growled.

"Katherine, go up the stairs." Brian was getting impatient.

"Put me up the stairs." I challenged. I was only joking with him at this point.

"KAT!" He boomed.

I paused. Brian was red. What the fuck is his problem? Everyone know that I know how to put up a good argument but I instantly started to cry. I was truly upset. I hurried up the stairs, he followed, calling my name. I ran into our room and locked the door, hysterically crying. I get in the bed and laid down, trying to process how I'm feeling. Right now, I hate Brian. Hate him with a passion.


I know, I know, I'm being an ass by keeping you waiting.

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