Hospital Visit

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I sit in the hospital room, frantic. I woke up about thirty minutes ago, feeling this really intense and overwhelming pain in my lower back and abdomen. I knew it wasn't my time of the month because I'm three weeks earlier than my schedule.

Alina ran in. I had called her because I was scared and I only wanted my best friend by my side. She came over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I don't know. I went to the bathroom before I left the house and I was bleeding. Heavily." I told her.

"It's probably just your period." Alina sat next to me.

"I'm due in three weeks."

"Oh." Alina eyes widened.

The doctor came in with a portable sonogram machine. I frowned.

"Katherine, we need to check your stomach to see what's causing the bleeding."

I nodded and laid back on the bed. I lifted my shirt and Alina moved off the bed. The doctor turned on the machine and put the gel on my stomach. He got the scope and began to move it around on the gel.

I didn't look at the screen. I just wanted to go home and sleep.

" seems that you've had a miscarriage." The doctor said slowly.

"Are you sure?" Alina asked.

I stared at the ceiling.

"Is the blood clotting?" The doctor asked me.

I nodded slowly. The doctor shut off the machine and wiped my stomach. I sat up. Alina began to cry. I rolled my eyes at her because she was being dramatic as hell. I felt a ball in the pit of my stomach but I ignored it. I didn't want to feel.

"Can I go home?" I asked.

Alina was confused by my reaction. So was the doctor.

"I think you should stay here and rest for a bit." The doctor advised.

"Either you get me the discharge papers or I will simply leave." I crossed my arms.

The doctor paused and finally nodded and left. Alina stood, stunned.

"I have to be up early in the morning to start training with the newbies. Want to go for lunch with the girls?" I asked her.

"Katherine." Alina looked pissed. "You just got told you had a miscarriage."

"Speak proper." I replied. "It was a miscarriage. I'm not dying. Don't be over dramatic."

"How are you going to tell Brian?" She asked.

I looked at her. "I'm not telling Brian at all."


"Brian will get depressed and would want to cry on my shoulder. I don't have time for that. I have to train four imbeciles tomorrow."

"He's your husband."

"I don't have to tell him everything that happens in my life."

"It's not your life anymore, you bitch. It's also Brian's." Alina hissed.

"Was it his uterus that failed to hold a child? No. So shut up. It's life. Shit happens."

"Don't do that."


"Push your emotions away. It's not healthy."

"Alina, I'm fine. I just want to go home and sleep."

"Katherine, you are my best friend and I support you. But I will not support this. You're being selfish as usual."

"As usual?" I stood. "Was it not I that forced Kaleb into rehab because your dumb ass was depressed because he loved alcohol more than you?"

Alina stood quiet.

"I don't need your damn support! Just get the fuck out."

"Make me." Alina challenged.

"Alina, you don't want me to make you."

"Don't push the people that love you away."

"I'm not pushing anyone away." I replied. "I just don't want to be told that I need to break my husband's heart."

"You've done it plenty of times before." Alina growled.

"Fuck you." I had an intense urge to kill her. "Leave the room, leave my life."

"So you can throw daggers at people but can't take it?" Alina narrowed her eyes.

I sat back on the bed, exhausted. She was making a big out of nothing as usual. She sat next to me.

"I thought I told you to leave." I rolled my eyes.

"You can push everyone else away. Not me." Alina replied. "Never me."


Do you think Katherine should tell Brian?

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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