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"Yeah. The doctor just left. She's eight centimeters now." I told Daniel.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"Very." I admitted. "But Katherine...she's not crying and yelling or even showing signs of the pain. I heard labor pains are the worst pain ever."

"I heard so, too. Did they give her the shot?" Dan asked.

"They did when we arrived. But even before that." I sighed.

"Wow. She's strong, your wife. Leslie and I will be heading down shortly." Dan informed me.

I nodded slowly. We hung up. Holy shit. I'm going to be meeting my kids and meeting my sister all in one day. I head back into the room where Katherine is watching Netflix on her phone. The team is gathered around. They are all getting to know Alina.

"I now leave to prepare home." Alina told us.

"It's still hot out there, Alina. Can't let you go alone." I informed her.

"I'll take her." Roman volunteered.

"Nope." Katherine shook her head. "Letty, you're going to take her for the simple fact that the majority of the guys are perverts."

"Let's go, Alina." Letty didn't even argue.

When they left, I walked over to Katherine.

"Still in pain?" I asked her, smoothing her hair down."

"Slightly." She nodded.

"It'll all be worth it." I promised her, giving her a kiss.

"I second that." She smiled wide.

So we waited three more hours. Three long hours. Katherine shifted, uncomfortably a lot while the rest of us waited. We played cards, reminisced on life and just talked. Katherine fell asleep around the last hour but jolted awake. She told us to hurry and get the doctor. Roman did so.

I peeked at what was happening down there and nearly fainted. I've seen the most horrendous wounds. I've stitched up legs and arms and even mouths. I even saw some guy bite off his own tongue because he would rather die than go to jail for smuggling drugs. But this took the cake. It was disgusting but at the same time, it was beautiful. She was crowning, it's time.

The doctor ran in with a bunch of nurses. Everything was happening too quick. Katherine's mom finally burst in. She was out doing last minute errands but I texted her when Katherine fell asleep. She was breathless.

"Mom!" Katherine exclaimed, sitting up.

"Hey, honey. I'm sorry I'm so late."

The doctors and nurses moved about the room in speedy motions and suddenly, the doctor was sitting in between Katherine's leg. I grabbed one of Katherine hands and her mother grabbed the other.

"Should someone video record?" Rome asked.

"On it!" Kaleb already had his camera rolling.

"Okay, Katherine. Let's hope this is nice and easy." The doctor said.

A nurse was by his side with one of the baby things that they shove down the throat to clear the airways.

"On the count of three, push." Doc instructed. "One. Two. Three."

Katherine's body clenched up as she pushed with all of her might. Kaleb began screaming in disgust. Katherine was all red and sweaty. Her mother wiped Kat's face and said encouraging words to her. My hand was cramping but that didn't matter. What mattered was how well Katherine was doing.

We heard a single cry a few seconds later. That cry gave me this feeling. It was an indescribable feeling. As if my world changed when I heard that cry. Katherine relaxed, panting.

"Holy shit." Kaleb whispered. The baby was placed on Katherine's chest all covered in yuck.

"Oh my God." Katherine whispered.

Her face was lit up. She began to cry.

"Hi, baby." She spoke softly.

The baby was still crying. The nurses took our first born away to clean her up. Then the doctor told us the second one was slipping out. Katherine gave one big push and she was out. Just like that. She didn't cry right away so the nurse shoved the tube down her throat and then she cried. Not hearing our second born cry made all of us anxious. She was taken away immediately to get checked out and cleaned up across the room.

"You're doing so good, babe." I told Katherine.

"Where's my baby?" Katherine got angry.

"She's okay." The nurse nodded, bringing her over.

Katherine immediately calmed down. "Hi, gorgeous."

"All right Katherine. Nice and easy, remember?" Doc said. "One big push and I mean a big ass push."

Katherine nodded, the baby being taken away again. Katherine grabbed ahold of my hand.

"Ready?" Doc asked. Katherine nodded. "Push!"

And so she pushed. And she pushed. And she fucking pushed and our last little warrior came out, began screaming and life was good.

No. I'm wrong.

Life was perfect.


The birth of our little street racers! Woohoo!

I've seen my mom give birth once to my little brother so I basically wrote what I saw. But what I experienced was incredible.

Back story: my mom and my grandma were on bad terms so my grandma didn't show up, my sister was in California so she couldn't make it in time because my little brother came three weeks before expected and so that basically left me and my dad and I am very impulsive so I had the urge to look and I did and like Brian said it was disgusting yet beautiful. Witnessing the birth of a baby is incredible. You're watching a miracle happen, something only one creature can do. Women rule, end of discussion.

Anyway, love you babies ❤️❤️

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