My family

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The next two weeks go by and I still haven't called my dad. I just need time to process. He's actually alive. I assumed he had died and it was too painful for my mom to talk about because every time I asked her about him she would get all sensitive. So I came up with my own story. His name is Daniel O'Connor. He was born in Stanford, Connecticut. Yes, I had looked him up online. His story includes his passion for the justice system and his daughter who is succeeding in life in the finest ways. Meanwhile, I am a fucking criminal working in a high class company with more criminals the only reason I'm not in jail is because of the strings Nobody has. Great.

But it was one day while Katherine was napping, I decided to take her advice and do it. I was going to man up and actually know where I come from as a bloodline. I called the number on the card.

"Daniel O'Connor." He answered.

"Uhm...Daniel. It's Brian." I told him. "Got a second."

"Of course." He replied, a little too eager.

"Sunday afternoon...You're going to meet my family."

"I already know your Mothers side." He sounded like he was frowning.

"No. Not a blood family. But a family built off of trust and sacrifice. After you meet them and know their stories...if you're still willing to join my life, fine." I said.

"You got a deal. But just so you know, son, I am a lawyer. I've heard some crazy shit over the years."

"Nah. Most of them is way worse than any pansy drug dealer you put on trial. My wife is the worst of all." I smiled.

"Will she kill me if I breathe too hard?" He sounded amused.

"She'll kill you if you smile too hard. Keep it simple. She'll be eyeing you." I told him with a laugh.

"Okay. I'll be over Sunday." Dan told me.

"Okay. Thanks."

"No problem...son." He replied.

I hung up the phone and smiled slowly. I walked upstairs. Katherine was just waking up. She stretched for a really long time.

"Hey." She groaned.

"Hey. You hungry?" I asked.

"Everything I eat, I puke." She shakes her head.

"You got to find something that will stay down. How's stir fry?"

"Dude, it's still daylight out." Katherine pointed out.

"We are going to experiment over the next few days. We are going to find the baby's likes and dislikes." I told her.

"Oh, Lord." She sighed.

"And then whatever it likes, we'll have a cycle. Every day of the week, we'll make every dish they like."

"I'm pregnant. I'm bound to throw up." She shrugged.

"You've thrown up maybe two hundred times in the last two weeks. We are doing this!" I shouted in excitement. "This is going to be great."

"Oh, shut up." She threw a pillow at me. It hit me in the shoulder. I catch it before it could fall on the floor. "Your so fucking excited...I have to vomit again. Thanks for upsetting my stomach thinking about eating every fucking thing under the fucking sun your fucking donut."

She stood and ran to the bathroom. She has a small bump. I followed and take place beside her, doing my daily rounds. It sort of gotten into a routine. She vomits, I come to support the hair and the back. She doesn't like it when I whisper in her ear. She once mushed me because of it.

In case you don't know, Katherine is weird.

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