Back In the British Base

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We arrive at the underground British Base. It's small and there's only three people there, one of them in crutches. And then there was Chase Michaels, in a expensive suit, clean haircut and designer shoes. I rolled my eyes at the sight of him. I don't like him because I know for a fact he had the hots for my wife.

"Katherine." Chase opened his arms for a hug.

"Tej, start up Godseye. I want security camera, traffic lights, cell phone cameras within a hundred miles of the last bombing." Katherine ordered, ignoring Chase's hug offer. That's my girl. "Chase, we're going to need the little staff you got on this. Find me a place to look over documents. Now."

"Did I ever tell you that you were dashing when you're bossy?" Chase asked her.

"No. But my husband did." Katherine rolled her eyes.

I laughed slightly.

Katherine, Dom and Kaleb went off to a conference room to look over the case files. I joined Letty, Roman and Tej at Godseye. Chase stayed with us. Tej was working rapidly, fingers sprinting across the keyboard.

"Guys, look here." Tej said after a few minutes.

We all moved closer.

"See that big black truck?" Tej asked.

"Yes." I replied.

He pressed some buttons and imagines showed up. Different places with the same truck leaving.

"Same truck, different base locations. Big enough to hid explosives, guns." Tej nodded.

"How many more bases is there?" I asked Tej.

"One more." Tej answered.

"We need to contact them. Warn them." I sighed.

"I'll go tell Katherine." Letty ran to the conference room.

A few minutes later, Chase walked out of the room and into his small office. He picked up the phone and frantically began making calls. I sighed and leaned against the table.

"Brits...they fight dirty. We're not in our comfort zone." I sighed.

"But Katherine and Kaleb are. Best on our team." Tej replied.

Suddenly Katherine came out of the room, her phone to her ear. Everyone joined her. She put the phone on speaker.


"Mother, there was no reason for you to come." Katherine rolled her eyes.

"I am on the next flight to you!" She screamed.

"Mom, why are you yelling?" Katherine asked.

"It's one in the afternoon. I've had no booze because I woke up to you and everyone else gone. I may be a mother but I was a agent of the British Base first. I'm on my way."

The phone went dead. Katherine groaned loudly.

"I take it Mrs. Howard is doing well." Chase smiled.

Kat placed a hand on the gun in her belt. "Say something else, I'll shoot you in the kneecap."

Chase held up his hands. Katherine walked back to the conference room, mumbling under her breath. I walked after her, closing the door.

"Ms. Nobody, are you okay?" I asked.

"No! I'm not okay! It's bad enough that the place I grew up in is in jeopardy but also my mother wants to come back to the place she was held captive for years! It's too much. I can't do this! I honestly can't do this." Katherine began panting.

"Hey." I grabbed a chair and made her sit. She was having a panic attack. "Listen, if anyone can do this job, baby, it's you. You're leading a team that you know. Not just how we move but personally. I'm sorry I gave you shit about coming here but you know what's best for us."

Her breathing got heavier.

"Katherine, look at me!" I grabbed her face. Her eyes pierced through me. I kissed her intensely. And then she was fine. Totally fine. She sat back in her chair. She looked at me softly. She was letting her guard down. "I love you."

"I love you, too." She replied.

"If you guys are done making out, we need to discuss the case. By the way, Mother keeps texting me angry messages. I also haven't had a drop of alcohol." Kaleb came in and told Katherine.

I looked to the left, through the window and saw the team staring at us. Chase looked pissed off. I smiled slowly. Katherine is MY wife. He needs to get over whatever crush he had on her in the past. Because she's mine now. She always will be mine.


Greys Anatomy is so good omg 😍😍

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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