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"Are we really doing this?" I asked Katherine, having a full panic attack.

"Kaleb, shut up." Katherine took off her blue blouse and put on a pitch black one. "We got this."

It was silent.

"Plane ride, car rides..." Katherine finally said. "And still no words exchanged between you two. It's been six years. Grow up and let it go."

"Kat." Alina sighed.

"I'm just saying. We're possibly about to die right now which is way too soon so at least say a proper goodbye."

Katherine got out of the car and closed the door. She walked to the front of the car and made a phone call. It was deadly silent.

"If it counts for anything, I'm proud you found yourself." Alina finally expressed.

God, I missed her voice. So ugly yet so capturing.

"Think about you a lot and still wish you happ-"

"I never stopped loving you. I never will stop loving you." I interrupted her and got out of the car to join my sister who was off the phone.

"All right. We go in. Hands up. No weapons." Katherine said.

Alina got out the car and joined us.

"And we surrender." I completed the sentence.

"Yes." Katherine nodded, tying her hair in a tight bun.

We began to walk to the large, military looking building. Katherine and Alina, the two Goddesses. One Russian. One British. Both, fiery forces. And then there's me. Scared and anxious.

We made it to the front door and Katherine took a deep breath, opening the door.

It was a pretty basic corruption. Desks and papers everywhere, phones ringing, a office overlooking the place. Heads turned when they saw us.

Katherine placed her hands in the air and motioned for us to do the same. We did.

"Nous abandonnons nos droits à Nobody Inc. Nous voulons rejoindre votre camp pour vaincre Nobody Inc." Katherine spoke loudly. She was really serious about this.

It was dead silence. My anxiety got worse. I felt my palms get clammy.

"Katherine Howard souhaite lutter contre son pays bien-aimé?" A man emerged from the top office in a black suit. He had a scar on his cheek. Katherine Howard wish to fight against her beloved country?

Katherine raised her chin and squared her shoulders.

"Dans quelles circonstances?" Under what circumstances?

"Les soldats américains ne méritent pas un tel pouvoir." Katherine had a pained expression on her face. American soldiers do not deserve such power.

"La Grande-Bretagne et la Russie s'unissent pour vaincre la même équipe qu'ils ont juré de protéger. L'honneur c'est à mon pays." The guy began walking down the stairs. Britain and Russia unite to defeat the same team they have vowed to protect. An honor it is to my country.

The three of us stood with out tongues caught in our mouths. He stood in front of us and raised his eyebrows.

"S'agenouiller. Agenouille-toi devant moi. Avant mon personnel. Avant mon pays." Kneel. Kneel before me. Before my staff. Before my country.

I did it with no hesitation. I didn't want them to think anything fishy was going on. Alina got down on her knee and cleared her throat. Katherine seemed bothered as she stared the man in the eye and lowered herself to one knee. She was holding back tears. I could tell.

The three of us in sync, bowed our heads in service to Le meurtrier.

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