The Gender Is

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"Baby girls!" Mum exclaimed sitting on my bed.

"Yeah. I'm excited." I smiled wide.

"Craving anything yet?" She sipped the tea I had prepared for her.

"Chipotle. All day." I nodded.

"When I was pregnant, I craved burgers and a shake. I ate it probably every day." Mum laughed. "Every since then, I have not been able to eat it."

"You should've seen Brian's face. He was stunned. I think reality is settling in for him." I sighed.

"I mean, at first, the high of actually having kids is amazing. It's undeniable. You're going to get that high again once you have your litter. But once you actually start doing the parenting, you get a taste of reality." Mom told me.

I agree.

"I'm going to help you through it all." Mum smiles warmly. "Thought of the birth yet?"

"What'd ya mean?"

"The way you're going to give birth, love."

"C-section." I answered. "Aren't you supposed to get a C-section delivering triplets?"

"It's highly recommended, dear. You just have to find a doctor to do the birth of three babies. C-sections, quick and easy but you'll be doing a major surgery and surgery leaves scars." Mom informed me. "They suggested I have a operation with you fucks but I quickly dodged that bullet."

"You think so?"

"A long scar on your stomach? Love, Brian decides that you're still attractive after you give birth...He wants to visit the old Easter Basket and sees that scar on your stomach...."

"Okay, Mum, I get the picture." I held up a hand. "I'll bloody push, jeez."

"That's my girl." She kissed forehead.

"So this baby shower..." Mom began.

"Ugh. They want to bring the party to me. Such losers." I rolled my eyes.

"But you love them." She laughed.

"Do you believe Dad would've liked Brian?" I asked suddenly, a little sad that my father wasn't here experiencing this with us.

"Your father never liked any of your boyfriends. No one was ever good enough for his little girl. But can see the way he feels for you and vice versa. Your father would've loved him." Mum reassured me. "He would've, of course, used the scare techniques but Brian is tough."

"He sure is." I chuckled.

"I'm excited for you, baby." Mom got off the bed. "I'm going to run to Cosco. Need anything?"

"Buy me taco kits, Gushers and Ritz." I listed.

"All right. I love you."

"Love you more." I told her.

She left and I sat up in the bed. I got on my laptop and watched Netflix for the rest of the day until Brian came home with Taco Bell for me. I ate it within five minutes.

"So girls." Brian took off his shirt.


"Three girls. Jesus."

"You'll be all right." I waved my hand.

"I'm exhausted." He jumped on the bed and cuddled up to my side.

"I was thinking, you name a baby, I name a baby and Kaleb names a baby." I told him.

"Why not your mom?" He lifted his head slightly.

"Because my mom named us already. I doubt Kaleb will have any kids. You know alcohol affects the male genitalia." I told him.

"I don't want to hear that right now." He whispered.

"I like the name Brooklyn."I stated.

"That's a cute name." He replied.

"We need to like sew their names into their clothing to be able to tell them apart." I joked.

"Or get name tags." Brian played along.

I laughed. I looked down at him, I can tell he was drifting off. About ten minutes later, I can tell he was in a deep slumber. I stood and pulled the blanket over him and turned on the air conditioner because he was starting to break a sweat. I then climbed in bed. Brian somehow found his way back to me and rested his head slightly on my shoulder. I wasn't sleepy at all. But I shut off the light anyway and stayed there, sleepless for three hours because he was comfortable and I wasn't going to wake him.

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