Husband VS. Wife

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In just a few moments, I had to make a decision. Allow myself to be taken down by my wife or fight her. Here's the thing, as a man, it is my job to protect my wife. And I've failed at that completely. I'm mean, look at the situation. She was captured and is now brainwashed. She doesn't remember anything from her life. She doesn't remember the greatness of our marriage or watching our kids take their first steps that turn into running. She doesn't remember her and Alina being closer than anything. So I failed her. But maybe fighting her and being successful in taking her down can be a whole new beginning for her sake.

My team began going at it with hers and Katherine jumped on me. She knocked me to the ground, raining blows on my face. I threw her off of me and stood. She held up her fist.

"Come home." I told her. "I won't ask a second time."

"Bitch please." She growled.

She threw a punch at me which I dodged quickly. I grabbed her by the leg and swept her off her feet. She hit the ground and groaned. I grabbed her wrist and pinned them on the ground.

"I love you." I told her. She struggled against me. "I love you more than life itself. And I need you to come home with me so I can fix you!"

Something flickered in Katherine's eyes and then they went dark again. She reached her head up and clamped her teeth down on my forearm. She bit hard as fuck. I continued restraining her and looked around. Alina snapped some guy's neck with her bare hands, Kaleb was in a standoff, Dom and Letty were fighting off the bad guys, Tej and Rome were getting their asses handed to them. Kaleb and Alina ran to them to help. Shit.

My blood started leaking into Katherine's mouth but she didn't let go. I shouted in pain. I let go and looked at my arm. It was a piece of skin missing. Holy shit. She did some sort of flip and hit me in the face. I was starting to get upset. I got off the ground.

"A girl is kicking your ass, man." She snickered.

I took a step towards her and she threw punches at me. I ducked and hit her in the stomach. Shit! I didn't want to do that. I twisted her hand around her back and reached for my handcuffs. She elbowed me with her free arm and I let her arm slip through my grasp. She whipped around and smacked her head against mine. My nose started bleeding. She grabbed my wrist with both hands and cracked it against her knee. I screamed in pain and I fell to the ground. Katherine stares at me for a moment and walked away to get a gun from the ground. She loaded it and pointed it me. Everyone stopped.

"I don't need to be fixed. I'm not your responsibility!" Katherine growled. "I wasn't brainwashed, my eyes were opened."

She paused and seemed lost for a moment. Her eyes darted around at nothing.

"Katherine, drop the gun." Kaleb told her, he pointed a gun at her teammate. "We will kill them all."

Katherine snapped out of the daze. "I don't love you. I never did love you! You tricked me into marrying you. You jeopardized MY LIFE so you can have the upper hand!"

"No. You love me. And you know it. Somewhere you fucking know it." I spit the blood out of my mouth. "STOP FIGHTING IT."

"I'm not going to tell you again!" Kaleb yelled, fed up. "Drop the fucking gun! You love us! All of us! You and Alina spend hours together everyday without getting tired of each other. Your kids are damn near hers. She wasn't supposed to step foot in Russia because she was forced to flee from here and she came back for your dumb ass! We're taking you home and that's finale. Drop the gun before I drop this motherfucker!"

"Kaleb." I held up my good hand.

"I swear to all the people in the clouds!" Kaleb continued. "I will put a bullet through his skull."

Katherine shot me in the leg without blinking. The pain erupted from my leg and I screamed in agony. She looked at me as I screamed and stared intensely. Her bottom lip was quivering.

Kaleb shot the team member quickly. "You moron! I didn't want to kill anyone today!"

Katherine pointed the gun and shot four more times. Bodies dropped to the ground. I was writhing in pain. I looked to see who she shot. It was her team.

"There's a hospital about a mile from here." Katherine stated. She threw the gun. "Theres a hotel next to it. Get him help and then go home."

She walked back to her van and started it. She drove off.

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