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"Brian?!" I shouted. I closed the door to the house.

"Upstairs, babe." He called back.

I placed my purse on the kitchen table. I also set my pharmacy bag down. My prenatal vitamins. I walked upstairs, towards our room. I checked on the girls first. They were sleep.

"Hey. I grabbed dinner with Dom." I began as I walked in the room, taking off my cardigan.

I paused. The bedroom was empty but the bathroom light was on. I walked to it. It was lit up with candles and Elton John playing softly in the background. Brian was in the tub, concealed with bubbles. There was seltzer water on ice with cups.

"Brian." My heart began to flutter.

"We've been focused on the bad so much lately. It just hit me...we're having a baby." His face lit up. "Another baby. So we're going to celebrate. Girls are sleep, Elton John and seltzer water. And bubbles."

I cracked a smile. "I'm not in the mood to fool around."

"Not every romantic gesture requires getting laid. You're my wife, not a college fling. Get in and relax."

I shrugged and took off my clothes. I got in the tub, facing him.

"How was the appointment?" He asked as I tied up my hair.

"Good. First sonogram is next month. I got my prenatals. They want to keep a close eye on me because of the miscarriage and whatnot. So as I get further into the pregnancy, I'm going to possibly be on bed rest and sonograms twice a month. But even if so, I'm going to be more careful. No coffee, no heels, no running and stressing, no sex. I don't want to lose my child."

He began to massage my feet.

"Crazy, huh?" I chuckled softly.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"Devastated from the death of a loved one only to find out I'll be delivering something special. I need life to pause. This moment is where it should freeze." I rested my head on my propped up arm and closed my eyes.

"I think it should've paused when you busted into Nobody Inc, all bloody and angry and shouting. That is my favorite memory of you."

"Why?" I frowned. "I would've assumed it was when we got busy for the first time."

"I'm not a dog, Katherine." He rolled his eyes. "And because it was the first time I saw you. Usually the first thing someone notices is how perfect your hair is and how bright your eyes are. But I saw the devil in your eyes from the start. Wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I got to see you raw and real during our first encounter."

I love him.

"What about you?" He asked, setting his gaze on my face. "Hm?"

"It was when you threatened Lucas. Had him by his neck, stared him in the eyes and told him you would kill him...for me. You never get to that level where you consider death an immediate option."

"He wanted my baby." Brian shrugged.

"Never been more proud of you than I was in that moment."

He raised his hand for a high five and followed with a fist pound.

"Let's shower and head to bed. Since coffee isn't going to be your go to, you need sleep. I'll massage your shoulders and neck." He stood up and grabbed my hand to raise me.

"Thank you for this." I looked him in the eyes. "Needed to relax."

"Katherine, enjoy this pregnancy. Don't stress about what could happen. Focus on what's currently happening. Promise me?"

"Promise." I nodded.

He gave me a kiss and we went to shower. I got in bed that night and before Brian could even turn off the lights, I completely slipped under.

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