The Fuck?

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I stare, stunned at the man that stands before me. My father?! What the fuck? He's never been in my life. Why is he here now? I was just having a nice breakfast with my wife talking about our unborn baby and now I'm face to face with the dude that bailed on my mom and me? The fuck?

"Brian." Katherine whispered to me.

I broke out of my trance and straightened up. I cleared my throat. "What do you want?"

"Some guy named Mr. Nobody came banging at my door. Told me he wanted me to come and see you."

"I think you're about twenty nine years too late." I replied.

"First of all, come in." Katherine said to him. He stepped in and took a look around.

"Nice place." He whispered.

I pulled Katherine aside. "Why are you inviting him in?"

"He's your father!" She whispered yelled at me.


"So, you are going to talk to him. Brian, I know this is a lot but I would give anything for my dad to knock on my door, anything! So you are going to sit and let him explain!" Katherine told me. She straightened and turned to my father. "Want a beer?"

"It's ten in the morning." He frowned.

"I assume that's a yes." She walked to the kitchen.

"She's British. They start drinking when the sun comes up." I told him. "Please, sit."

He sat on the couch. I sat in the recliner, my favorite chair like ever. It has a massage and a heating seat all in one. Damn, I sound really old. Katherine comes back with two beers. She hands one to me and one to my father. She sat next to him.

"If you don't mind me asking, you are?" He asked her.

"I'm his wife." Katherine nodded.

"You're married?" His father whispered.

"As of a month ago." I replied.

"Congratulations...if I would've known, I would've been there." He told me. "Ms..."

"Just Katherine."

"Katherine, you're not drinking? Brian said your kind drinks top of the hour." He looked at her.

"Can't drink. Pregnant and all." She shrugged.

"You're pregnant?" He gasped.

"Yes." Katherine laughed. "It's weird knowing I have a little person growing inside of me."

"Congratulations." He repeated.

"Thank you." Katherine smiled.

"Where have you been? Twenty nine years you've had to make things right. You could've told Nobody you didn't want to see me. He would've let you go." I finally stated.

"Brian..." He began. "I did not know that you were alive."

I looked him in the eyes. "What?"

"Your mother never told me she was pregnant. I mean, she was acting strangely but I just thought she wanted to break up. We were sixteen at the time, teens. They don't know what they want. And then she disappeared for a long time. And then she was back in school as if nothing happened... I was never aware that your mom had you."

"That's a lie." I mumbled.

"Crystal, was always one to be sneaky. Why she didn't want me in your life? Might've been her parents fault. They never did like me. They caught us in their bed once. First time ever meeting me."

"Don't want to hear about you and Mom's sex stories." I groaned.

Katherine punched my knee. Ow!

"I thought she went to a boarding school and her parents realized she wasn't such a bad kid after all. Your mother was very wild in her teen days." He continued. "If I had the slightest clue that I had gotten her pregnant or that she had you, Brian, I would've been there every step of the way."

I stayed quiet.

"But let me be here now, to help you through fatherhood."

"You just said you didn't even know Mom was pregnant . What do you know about fatherhood?" I frowned.

"I have a daughter. Your sister. Her name is Leslie."

"I have a fucking sister?" I gasped.

"You do. She's seventeen. Smart girl. Her mother is a drug addict, left her with me when she was only two months old. I didn't know what I was doing. I still don't know what I am doing. I'm sure neither of you will either. So let me be here to help you along this journey."

"And what's the catch?" I asked.

"Brian." Katherine whispered.

"Me wanting to build a relationship with my son is a catch? I am sorry that I missed...your entire life, but I am here now. I'm not a reckless teen anymore. Leslie and I have a great relationship...I want the same with you. And my soon to be grandchild...Jesus." He sat back. "I told Leslie she wasn't allowed to have kids until she was forty. She's always wanted a sibling. Someone to talk to about life because apparently Dad's just aren't your go to guy."

"Where do you even live?" Katherine asked him.

"I live in Santa Barbra."

"You've been five hours away from me for two years." I whispered.

"I've lived there since I was eighteen." He stood. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He pulled out a picture and a card. "I'm a lawyer, by the way. That card has my personal if you're interested...and this is Leslie."

He placed the items on the table. I didn't move to pick it up.

"I have to get back by the morning. I have a case." He looked at me. "I'm really serious Brian."

"Thank you. For coming out." Katherine stood.

He nodded with a smile at Katherine and walked out the door.

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