Letting Loose

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I sit in my office, doing paperwork. There was a knock on my door. Alina was napping on the sofa to the left of me. It was pretty late and me and her intended on going out tonight.

"Come in." I called. Alina opened her eyes.

Lucas walked in.

"It's twelve in the morning and you're here doing paperwork." He sat in one of my chairs.

"That's what being Ms. Nobody requires, Lucas." I replied. "What's going on?"

"The newbies and I want to go out tonight. We've invited the crew and now we're inviting you and Alina."

"You're hanging out with the newbies? You're one of the big dogs and you're in a litter of stray puppies?" I narrowed my eyes.

"They need at least one person to be nice to them." Lucas answered.

"Nice isn't in my nature."

"Oh, I know it's not. So, we're about to go."

"I'm not finished with my paperwork." I told him.

"You'll never be finished with paperwork, Kitty Kat." He informed me. I did a small head jerk at the sound of my totally disgusting nickname. "Listen, you're a mom who just lost a baby, is having marital issues and you're running an organization. Take one night off and just live."

I sighed. I looked at Alina. She nodded slowly.

"All right, fine. A few drinks and then I'm going home." I clarified.

Lucas laughed and clapped.

I closed the file I was occupying and stood. Alina got up and stretched, she shook her hair out.

"A few drinks my ass. By the time we'll leave, you won't know your name." She said to me.


"MAKE ME LOSE MY MIND! UP IN HERE UP IN HERE!" I screamed along to the bar song.

Alina, Lucas and I were on the dance floor having the time of our lives. The team sat around a table, being miserable. The newbies were eating and watching a tennis game. I missed Kaleb. I missed the days where we would go out and get shit faced and we didn't care because we did what we wanted. Now we're in relationships and have to be mindful...well, he does. I personally don't care. If I want to drink and have fun I fucking will!

The song ended and we walked...stumbled, back over to our table with the team. Brian was on his restricted two beers only bullshit. Such a bitch. Ughhhh.

"You guys aren't having fun?" Alina asked them.

"We sat here and watched a British assassin scream DMX, Biggie and Brittany Spears for the past thirty minutes. I'm pretty sure we all want to die right about now." Letty replied.

"Excuse me, sir." I held up a hand at her. "Just because your miserable and a loser doesn't mean we have to be."

Lucas laughed. Letty rolled her eyes. Lucas ordered a round of shots for the table.

"We don't plan on dying tonight." Brian told him.

"You all need to let loose." Lucas stated as the shots were put on the table.

"More for us." Alina picked up the first shot.

Lucas and I downed ours. The burn in my chest wasn't as strong as it was when I first started drinking but it was still there. Around my third shot, Brian tried to take the glass from me before I could drink it. I pushed him away and did drink it.

"What's your problem?" Lucas asked Brian. "If she wants to have fun, let her. No wonder she's so unhappy."

"She's my wife and the mother of my kids. She doesn't need to be drinking as if she is fifteen."

I started feeling woozy.

"And why don't you mind your own business?" Letty chimed in. "It's their marriage."

"Oh, Letty, please. You've been in their business since they got together." Alina snapped.

"It's a side effect of the testosterone's she's been taking." I said.

Me, Lucas and Alina began cracking up for a good ten minutes. I don't know why but it was funny. Brian was getting irritated.

"Katherine, lets go. Now." Brian stood and grabbed my arm.

"Jesus, Brian." I protested as he dragged me out of the bar and to his car.

He put me in the passenger seat and got in. He was definitely angry.

"Take me to the office, I have to finish my paperwork." I slurred.

"You're going home and going to bed. End of discussion."

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but you clearly have lost every brain cell in your damn head. Take me to the office!" I snapped.

"NOOOOOO!" Brian roared, pulling up to our house.

He got out of the car and opened my door. I was unwilling to get out of the car so it took a few minutes of orders. Brain took me out of the car and began to take me inside.


To be continued

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