Making up like Husband and Wife

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It's around twelve at night. I'm supposed to be asleep in the guest room because I can't bare to sleep next to Katherine tonight. She broke my heart. I don't want her anymore. It's to my surprise that I walk in the kitchen for a beer and find her sitting at the table, looking at photo books. Her back in to me. I leaned against the doorway. How could she do this to me? To our family? Do I not make her happy? Do I not treat her good? I'm just so confused.

"He came into the room, told me to never embarrass him that way again. Then he proceeded to threaten the girl's lives and you knocked on the door. I tried to call you for help, he choked me and kissed me and then spat at me." Katherine listed to me.

I paused.

"I didn't sleep with him. I would never sleep with him. Or anyone else for that matter. I have scars on my neck from being choked. I can't talk without my throat squeezing shut. Listen to me. I sound bloody ridiculous. And you had the nerve to turn your back on me when I needed the love of my life to comfort me. Wow, Brian. Wow." Katherine still didn't turn around.

I took a moment to process what she said. And then guilt flooded through me. I'm sitting here, wrapped up in my feelings, being selfish...while my wife went through something like that. What the fuck is wrong with me? I slowly walked over to the table and sat down, across from her. She finally looked at me. Tears were in her eyes.

"You fill my soul, Brian. I don't need another man. I don't want another man." Katherine whispered.

I nodded slowly. "I'm...I can't tell you how sorry I am. But I am. I am so fucking sorry, baby."

Katherine had a look in her eyes. A look I've seen before. She stood up and walked over to me. I was confused. She's feeling this way after a day of kicking ass and dealing with trauma? She sat on my lap and kissed me intensely. I kissed her back, feeling warmth in my body. Her hands caressed my face and our lips moved in sync. We haven't touched each other in this way in a long time. So I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom...and I handled my wife the way she deserves to be handled.


I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. I looked to my left, Katherine was in a deep sleep on her stomach. I kissed her head and pulled the blankets up to cover her bare back. And then I did my morning routine and went downstairs. The team was awake.

"The way it sounded last night, I didn't think you would be waking up." Kaleb laughed.

I ignored him.

"Three hours, Brian. You've grown up from that little scrawny boy I remember." Rome commented.

"I was never scrawny. Always put it down." I replied.

"Katherine is still sleeping?" Alina asked.

"Of course she is. She was in a knockout tournament." Kaleb told Alina. "Alina, love, when are we going to have our own little three hour marathon?"

"Soon." Alina winked.

"Soon for what?" Katherine came downstairs, in her robe.

"Kaleb wants Alina." Letty piped up.

"He has me." Alina clarified.

"Gross." Katherine walked over to me and gave me a long and steamy kiss. Everyone paused. Katherine broke the kiss and smiled at me slowly.

"Now that we've defeated the punks that destroyed everything London has to offer, can we leave?"

"There's something I want to do first." Katherine replied. "I'm proud of you guys. Very proud."

"I'm not so proud of you." Mrs. Howard sat back in the chair she occupied. "You were off your game."

"I was not." Katherine frowned.

"That guy ragged you like a doll."

"He was bigger than Dom." Katherine defended yourself.

"You've handled worse. Much worse." Mrs. Howard reminded her.

"I had a lot on my mind, Mother. Can you just not. Please." Katherine held up a hand.

Mrs. Howard rolled her eyes but let it go. Katherine walked over to Kaleb, whispered in his ear and his eyes lit up.

"Let's do this shit." Kaleb laughed.


Why is George always being picked on. That's my baby.

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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