Truth Is... Part 2

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Left. Right. Side kick. Elbow jab. Eye on target. Fight to damage. Fight to hurt. Fight to kill. Eye on enemy. Duck. Swing. Hit the nerve. Break the bone. End the life of the threat in front of me. No mercy. No hesitation. Kill. Kill. Kill.

As I swung on Kaleb, I felt this overwhelming feeling pulse through me. Apart from the rage, it was the most intense thing I've felt in weeks. And so I kept attacking him, not wanting to stop. Kaleb deflected a lot of my hits, seeming used to my combat skills which only frustrated me more. I wanted to hurt him. I wanted to break his nose and rip his hair from his scalp. I wanted him to know what it felt like to be hurt. I wanted him to feel a fraction of what I felt during the time I spent in Russia.

Kaleb ducked just as my fist flew right at his face and my fist lodged in the wall. He used my dilemma to elbow me in the cheek and grab my hair, bringing his knee in contact of my face. I freed my fist and hissed at him, feeling my face bleeding. I didn't care. And my vision slowly turned red as I felt like I was losing. I can't lose. I never lose.

Kaleb threw a sharp jab to my stomach, causing me to double over in pain. He backed up from me for a second. He walked back over to the bottle and drank some as I caught my breath. He placed it down carefully and ran to me, lifting his body and delivering a kick straight to my chest. I fell back on the ground, feeling like I was a failure. Kaleb walked over to me.

"This is pathetic." He shook his head. "You aren't capable of beating me, dear. Especially when the old Kaleb is back."

I kicked his knee, causing him to lose balance and drop besides me. He grunted. I grabbed ahold of his neck and got on top of him, throwing punches left and right.

"Brian forgot about me!" I yelled at him. "You forgot about me! For months I was tortured! Stripped of my identity and you have the nerve to tell me that I don't deserve to be a member of this team?!"

His face was getting bloody. "You're a bitch!"

"I've saved you all time after time because you're all so damn pathetic. I was the key in saving mom, I rescued you guys from that wretched bitch Cami! When you were in a coma, I BROUGHT YOU BACK! I forced you into rehab! I have given my all to this group!"

I stopped punching him, my head exploding with visualizations. I got confused but kept my eyes on the goal here. I want to hurt him.

"Come on, love." I picked him up and wiped his face with my hand. He spat out blood and groaned, holding his side. "You're okay. You're okay."

I walked him over to the liquor and brought it to his lips. He took a few sips and sighed.

"I would die for you all without hesitation and I believe I've proven that to you countless times. I've killed for you. I love you. And you don't care whether I live or die." I smiled at him, caressing his face.

I grabbed him by the neck and body slammed him on the wooden table in his living room. It broke under the force of the slam and his body weight. He shouted in pain.

I handed him the bottle. "Have a good night, brother."

I stretched and grabbed my car keys off the floor. Kaleb laid in the pile of broken wood and magazines and wasn't moving. I shuffled out of his home.

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