Breaking Point

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"She did what?" Alina growled.

Kaleb sat in the office, face with various wounds and a bruised body.

"She wanted her memories back." Kaleb winced. "She gave me a bottle of booze and I drank it. And I liked it. I fucking loved it. And so I said some things to her."

"What kind of things?" Dom asked.

"Nothing too bad. Just that the team wishes she would disappear, we all wish her death will soon come and how she will definitely ruin her children's lives."

"Huh?" Letty frowned.

"Katherine's always angry." Alina hanged her head. "And the one person that could get her fired up like that is Kaleb."

"Bingo. We fought. It was exquisite. Ugh! I missed fighting with her."

"Kaleb, are you drunk right now?" Dom asked.

"Haven't been sober since eight o'clock last night. It is...twelve thirty in the afternoon." He laughed.

"Brian, did Katherine come home last night?" Dom asked.

"I don't even want to discuss her." I held up a hand.

"Well, we need to get her in here to make sure she's okay." Tej told me. "I'll call her."

He stepped outside of the room with his phone in hand.

"So, is this going to affect you?" Alina asked Kaleb.

Kaleb looked at her. "If it's going to help my sister then yes. I will do this everyday and have the shit beat out of me because Katherine started remembering. She remembered the whole mom thing, Cami...Cami was years ago! The first time you all got a serious glimpse of what my sister can do."

"You are not going to turn back into that disgusting drunk to help Katherine." Al declared.

"She's my sister." Kaleb shrugged.

Al hovered over him, close to his face. "There's other ways to help Katherine. And you chose this because you wanted to. I'm pretty sure she didn't force the liquor down your throat. You chose it!"

"Oh my God, Alina!" Kaleb stood up.

"Either rehab or I'm done with this." Alina crossed her arms.

"I choose my sister." Kaleb headed towards the door. "I'm the only one with the courage to take the extra step in helping her. You guys are just sugar coating things. Cowards."

He slammed the door on his way out. A few minutes later, Tej came in.

"Katherine is on her way. She just woke up."

"You didn't see her this morning?" Letty asked me.

"When I woke up, she was turned away from me." I shook my head.

"Maybe Kaleb has a point. Brian, you want her back. You're falling apart without her. Maybe we need to go the extra mile." Rome was serious. "Because we need our girl back."


I have the flu and a week off from work so I'm gonna be publishing a lot. 😪💓

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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