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We enter the hospital. We ask a nurse to show us the room which she does kindly. Katherine is a mess, has been crying on the plane all afternoon. The team waits in the room, everyone's face looking upset. Even Katherine's Mother. Katherine rushed to his side, grabbing his hand.

"Kaleb?" Her voice cracked, meaning the tears were about to come.

He was hooked up to all sorts of machines but he didn't look good. Had a cast on his right leg, bandages on his head and some more on his arm. Jesus.

"What happened?" Katherine growled, turning to the team.

"We were on a mission. We managed to succeed but a driver hit Kaleb as we escaped. His car...flipped and..." Letty trailed off. "The doctors say he's in a coma. There's a possibility he'll wake up..."

"You should've been looking out for him." Katherine whispered.

"We were. We made sure nothing happened to him during the mission." Letty told me.

Katherine laughed wickedly. "I will never leave him in your hands again."

"We didn't cause this!" Letty told her.

"Leticia, I'm going to give you five seconds to sit the fuck down before I rearrange your face." Katherine purred.

I held up a hand at Letty, letting her now wasn't the best time to pick a fight with the deadliest person in probably the world. Letty sits back down next to Dom, scowling.

"Kaleb, baby. Wake the fuck up." Katherine whispered to her brother.

"Nobody is on his way." Tej told us, softly.

"You wake up, and I'll buy you the most expensive bottle of whiskey known to man, you fucking alcoholic." Katherine didn't acknowledge Tej. "And then we'll get drunk and go skinny dipping just like we used to. I promise. Just get your ass up. Please."

Watching her broke my heart. I'm pretty sure Katherine has only truly cared for a few people in her life and they are all in this room apart from Nobody. But Kaleb...I'd rather it be me than him on that bed. Katherine began to cry again.

Shortly after that, Nobody came in. He seemed like he's been crying as well. I remember him telling us when we first met the twins that he loves them as if they are his.

"You." Katherine looked lethal.

She attacked him, punching him in the face a few times. Rome tried to grab her off of him and she elbowed him in the face. Katherine was a mad woman. She knocked him to the floor and straddled him as she pounded her fist into his skull. He started bleeding from some where on his face and so was Rome. She wrapped her hands around his neck. Letty quickly closed the door and we all jumped into action.

I grabbed one wrist and Dom, the other. We hauled her off of him and pinned her against the wall. Letty helped Nobody up. Katherine thrashed around, trying to break free from our hold and she almost did a few times but we quickly got ahold of her again. She then used her legs. She kicked me in the face and then Dom but she was going to have to kill me in order to break this hold. I'm not going to let her kill her dad, sort of. Rome grabbed ahold of her feet, catching Kat by surprise.

"Letty, find some sort of sedative!" I shouted at her.

Letty ran out of the room and a few minutes later came back with a long needle. At the sight of that, Katherine freaked out even more.

"I'll kill all of you." She threatened.

Letty took my place in holding Katherine. I sterilized the needle before sticking it in her arm and pressing down just a little. I didn't want to fully put her to sleep, just calm her down. I take the needle out and take a step back. Katherine was still trying her hardest.

"You don't calm down, I will get someone to put you in a straight jacket, Katherine." Nobody told her which only made her act even more savage.

"Dude!" I gave him a pointed look.

Katherine seemed to be going limp. She stopped thrashing and screaming. Her eyes are glassy. I took a deep breath. The team slowly let her go, she fell into my arms. I put her in a chair by Kaleb's bed and rested her head by his hand. The team is winded.

"Rome, you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm good." He grabbed some paper towels from the dispenser and held them to his nose.

Letty helped out Nobody. Katherine's mother was still sitting in the same position, staring blankly into space.

"You could've helped." Letty told her.

"My son...he's dying." She whispered. "My daughter is a bipolar asshole. I can't deal with this."

"He's going to be okay." Katherine slurred, lifting her head.

"Face reality, love. Look at him and tell me he's waking up."

"If Kaleb dies...I will cease to exist." Katherine stated.

"You're going to kill your self?" Nobody asked, hurt.

"Don't be so dramatic. My brother, has always been the root of me. Even when we hate each other, we are still each other's solid. I can't survive without this pompous dick by my side and you all know it. I'll still be here physically but...I know for a fact, I won't be here mentally."

"Katherine-" I began.

"Fuck off." She stood, wobbly. "Don't say a word to me. You sedate me and then think you have a voice in the matter. Fuck you. I'm better off without you."

"What?" I frowned.

"You think you're going to get away with that stunt you pulled tonight? I promise you, love, you will not. You think your this amazing guy that stole the heart of the baddest bitch off all but truly, you're just as damaged as me. Prick."

"Kat." I took deep breaths to stay calm.

"You big sack of-" Katherine began.

Letty stepped in her direction and straight decked Kat in the face. We all were stunned. My wife is going to kill Letty. Katherine fell on the floor, unconscious. Letty looked at all of us.

"Oh please." She waved her hand. I picked Katherine up off the floor and placed her back in the same position as before. "You all know you've thought about punching her at least once."

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