A Decent Conversation

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Kaleb and the crew were outside, in the ocean having fun. I didn't feel like going swimming today. I find Katherine in the living room with a book in her lap. The book was closed and she was holding a picture. Old. But of a family. Parents and two children. Boy and girl. Her and Kaleb.

"Lovely photo." I sat across from her.

After last night, hearing her talk about her parents... I saw a glimpse into the real her. She was a woman writhing in pain. And that didn't suite well with me. I decide to give our friendship another shot.

"That was my family, a lifetime ago." She placed the photo in the book. I wondered what other photos she has in there.

"A lifetime ago? That long?" I frowned.

"It feels like it."

I can see her hardening again. No.

"Where you close with them?"

She looked at me, quickly. "Why?"

"I'm just making conversation." I informed her.

"Talking about the weather, sports, food...that's making conversation. Asking about my parents... You want to get to know me. Why? Do you think I'm easy or something?" She squinted her eyes.

"What? No." I frowned. Holy shit.

"So what's with the questions?"

"It's about getting to know who's on my team so we can have a trustworthy friendship. That's all. I'm not trying to sleep with you or hurt you. I just want to know who you are. Not the facade of bully you put on but the actual you." I put my hands up.

She sat back, quiet.

"Let's start with something easy." I suggested. "What's your favorite color?"

"Black...and maybe some purple." She answered. "Yours?"


"Let me guess... because of your eyes?" She rolled her eyes.  Hers, by the way, were a forest green.

"Because of the ocean." I replied.

"I do like the ocean. It's gorgeous but very dangerous." She nodded.


"If you had to choose between skydiving or scuba diving, which would you chose?" I asked her, engaged in this conversation.

"Skydiving. I'm a adrenaline junkie." She laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Oh, really?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Hell yeah. I've been bungy jumping. It was the best thing ever. Kaleb chickened out at the last minute." Katherine laughed.

I looked at her in awe. She was so gorgeous. She had this... thing about her that attracted you to her without knowing her at all. But when she opens her mouth throwing insults like daggers, it make you not want to be bothered.

"What?" She frowned.

I broke out of my trans. "Nothing. So, how old are you?"

"Twenty four." Katherine replied. "You?"

"Twenty eight."

"Holy fuck." She gasped.

I raised my eyebrows.

"You're ancient." She said.

"What? No I'm not." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, grandpa. Whatever makes you sleep at night." She waved her hand.

Just then, Roman ran in, a towel around his waist. He walked over to us. I legit saw Katherine's whole demeanor change.

"Hey, Katherine." He grinned.

"Hello, peasant." She stood.

She walked away, up the stairs.

"I see it, Brian." Roman whispered.


"You want her."


"Listen, she is not the one for you. Just don't waist your time, man." Roman stated.

He, too walked away.


How are you feeling about Katherine?

I'm going to ask that same question later on to see if your opinion has changed about her.

-Chicken Soup

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