Mind Your Business

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I sat in my office, texting Nobody about how me and Brian made up and all is well. I was actually happy. And then I was unhappy because this bitch waltzed into my office and had the nerve to sit down. I locked my phone and put it down.

"How are you today, sir?" I asked with a smile.

"Brian is downstairs going on and on about how you and him are getting back on the love train." Letty told me.


"Well, here's the thing. This is a cycle." She began. "You guys do good and then you crash. You can never just be happy with him and honestly I'm tired of seeing my friend heartbroken. If you don't want to keep him happy, then leave him alone. He doesn't need your toxic ass."

"Oh my!" I groaned. "Shut up. Are you jealous? Seriously? Brian and I are very dysfunctional, yes. I'm a high class, British gangster that has had nothing but success. And Brian had no father, a liar for a mother, lost his dream job...twice and then became an underground cop. But we are in love and I don't care how much we argue, Brian is my soulmate forever. Forever. And honestly it's none of your damn business. I've been letting you slide with your recent bitchy side comments and honestly I want to kick your ass."

"Well the feeling is mutual for the fact that you are crushing my friend's soul because you are such a cold hearted bitch!"

I stood and walked to my door. I locked it and then I locked the other three locks. One is a passcode. This door was meant to keep all bad out. Letty stood when she saw me approaching her.

"I'm not holding back." I threatened, raising my fists.

"Would hate to ruin your heels." Letty replied, closing the distance.

The fight began with a blow to my face which fueled my rage. I hit Letty twice in the stomach, she doubled over in pain and I elbowed her in the face. She stood straight and threw jabs at me. Some landed, some didn't. There was one punch that she threw and I deflected it and grabbed her exposed arm. I twisted it around her back and pressed close against her.

"You will never be me." I whispered in her ear and threw her into my desk.

The crew began to pound on the door but like I said..the door was meant to keep the bad things out. As me and Letty continued to kill each other, they realized they weren't getting in and circled around the glass sides of my office. Dom was legit turning purple.

Letty grabbed me by my neck and somewhat threw me on my desk as I lunged for her. She climbed on top of me and blow for blow came down. I chucked her off of me and got up from the table. She came at me again and I wrapped my legs around her face and squeezed. She began punching my legs, struggling to breathe. I let her go and while she was busy gasping for air, I walked to the other side of the office and ran to her. I jumped up, legs in the air and kicked her. She fell through the glass side and crashed to the floor. Dom yelled. I calmly walked to her and lifted her up. Her mouth was gushing blood.

"You win some, you lose some. But Leticia...you will always lose against me. You dare walk into my office and give me a lecture about me and my husband's relationship? Negative. Watch yourself." I dropped her to the floor and looked at my dress.

It had blood on it. Alina and Kaleb checked me.

"You're going to need stitches." Alina told me. "But good job."

"She deserved it." I grinned.


Did I ever tell you guys my new Kitten's name? Well, it's Toothy.

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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