Brian is Hurt

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I watched as Katherine paced back and forth in the kitchen, on the phone. I stood outside on the balcony and watch her. It was really late at night. Around one in the morning. If the team wasn't sleep, they were getting ready to. We had long day. Katherine gets off the phone and pushed her hair back. I walked in.

"How's the shoulder?" She asked me.

"I'll live."

"I called it." She sat down. "So you and Cheryl, huh?"

I know this tone. She doesn't approve.

"Kat, I didn't know if you were coming back or if you were even alive. I called you for a year..."

"I couldn't face you Brian. I knew you were hurt." Katherine explained.

"You could've texted me and said you were okay."

"Does she make you happy?" Katherine looked away.

I couldn't answer. Cheryl is fun and all but she will never be Katherine. And it's eating me alive because Katherine hurt me and I can't be with someone that just ups and leave me. I wanted to be with her despite of her attitude and various insults.

"You haven't found anyone out here?" I asked her.

"No." She shook her head.

"You didn't answer any of my calls." I shot back.

"Five rings. That was to let you know I am still here." She gets angry.

"You could've picked up the phone, Katherine." I stated. "You were being selfish and not thinking of anyone's feelings but yours as usual."

"Twice I saved your bloody life and you're going to say that, Brian."

"We work as a team." I hissed, getting a little angry.

"You didn't waste anytime finding a replacement. Tell me, have you had sex with her?" Katherine asked.

I paused. Of course we did and it was great but at random moments, Katherine's face flashed in my brain making it hard for me to focus on Cheryl.

"Thought so." Katherine began to walk past me."For the past year, my boss has been trying to persuade me into dates and I turned him down everyday because of you, Brian. I guess I can finally say yes. Who knows. I might even fuck him."

That sent my blood boiling. She walked away from me.

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