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"My dearest warrior, do you have my gift?" Bill asked me.

I placed the box on the table and crossed my arms. "What is it?"

"Information. A lot of valuable information. Information that can be very dangerous to the right person." Bill looked at me. "When you were working as a leader, I bet you had a lot of information."

I paused and tried to search my mind. I remember working at an organization but I don't remember enjoying it. I remember constant exhaustion and rage and I also remember my team going against everything I've said. I remember they hated me and often tried to kill me.

"I don't remember information." I shake my head.

He seemed satisfied. "That's a real bummer. That information could've made you very powerful."

My team gathered around, curious.

"I am powerful." I told him.

He looked at me.

"I don't know anything about myself but I know that I'm fucking powerful." I hissed.

He just stared at me. "Okay. With power there comes sacrifice. And you need to show me that you are able to sacrifice."

"Sacrifice what?" I frowned.

"The people that hurt you, my dearest. My resources tell me that a team from Nobody's Inc. is headed here. Been wanting to tell you but I figured I'd let my underground team handle them. But I want you to kill them." He pushed my hair back.

"And when I succeed?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Why can't we get a chance to prove ourselves worthy?" A blonde chick, Anna, piped up. "Katherine always gets the fun, sir."

"Because Katherine is the most promising out of the bunch. That's why."

"I call bullshit. You have a thing for her."

Bill gave me a look and I grabbed my gun from my belt and shot her. She fell on the floor, lifeless.

"That's why she gets all the fun, sweetheart." Bill smiled softly.

I looked at him. "When are they landing?"

"Most likely tomorrow." Bill nodded. "You all will greet them very suddenly and off them. And then, Ms. Howard, you will kill them all, with a bit of help of course."

I felt a scratch in the back of my head when he said Ms. Howard. The name felt wrong. It felt like it wasn't mine. I looked at the floor and focused on that little voice but it faded away.

"Back to your cells. Tomorrow is a busy day." Bill waved his hand dismissively.


"Tell me, Katherine." Bill walked in circles around me. "Do you know your name?"

"Katherine Howard." Again, I felt like there was more to my name.

"How old are you?"

"Twenty seven."

"Who is Brian O'Conner?" He stopped in front of me.

I paused, feeling my stomach turn. "He is a disgrace."


"He tricked me. Fed me lies and turned on me."

"How did he turn on you?"

"He handed me over to death numerous times." I growled.

"And your goal for today?"

"Kill him and everyone he loves." I lifted my chin.

Bill smiled wide. "I thought you would have to undergo another round of....therapy before you would be sent off."

I looked at the team, all gearing up.

"No, sir." I shook my head.

"Well, then go. And bring me back the head of everyone on that team." Bill ordered.

I gave a short nod and began walking to the door. Something clicked. If my memories were correct and I truly lived the life I did, why must I undergo another round of therapy? It didn't make sense. For the first time in months, I was doubting Bill.

A Furious ChickWhere stories live. Discover now