Family Crisis

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Brian came into the kitchen with Ruby on his hip. He looks confused. I had Quinn and Brooke in their play pens. There was a type of cartoon on the Tv. Alina and I were preparing dinner.

"Hey, honey, call Brooke and Quinn." Brian said to me.

"Why?" I frowned.

"Just do it. I want to see something." He replied.

I turned around to the girls. "Brooke. Quinn."

They both turned their head to me. I turned back to Brian. He handed Ruby to me and walked over to the girls. He went behind their playpens and snapped his fingers next to their ears. They turned to see what the sound was. Brian shook his head.

"Ruby." He called.

Alina and I were confused as fuck. Ruby didn't acknowledge Brian.

"Call her." Brian said to me.

So I did. Again, she didn't acknowledge me. Alina tried, she ignored Alina. Brian walked over and snapped his finger in her right ear. Nothing. Then in her left. Nothing.

There was silence.

Ruby looked up and saw Brian. She reached for him. He took her and kissed her forehead.

"Brian, what's going on?" I hissed, a little concerned.

"I think Ruby is deaf." He whispered.


"Your daughter is in fact deaf." The hearing doctor came back in the room. "One hundred percent on the left ear and ninety two on the right."

My heart sank. Ruby sat in Brian's lap, playing with his keys. Brian got flustered.

"I am sorry. But we can give her hearing aids and began to teach her sign language and read lips as she ages."

I nodded slowly. Brian seemed lost.

"I'm going to schedule you back in for two weeks and we'll begin molding her ears for the devices." The doctor continued. "The devices won't make her magically hear fully but it will help with sounds and detecting certain voices."

"Thank you." Brian gave a small smile.

On the car ride back home, I called up the team. I told them that we were having a technical difficulty. And by the time we were home, they were just beginning to arrive. I walked up to Kaleb. I looked over his shoulder and saw Cheryl getting out of her car.

"The fuck is she doing here?" I growled.

"Last I checked, I was apart of the team." She snapped.

"Yeah but I don't like you. Never did. Never will." I told her.

"You aren't pregnant anymore, Katherine, but you still look a little flabby." She gave me a little smile.

I stepped to her. Kaleb grabbed me.

"And at least I didn't spend a year loving a man that loved someone else." I winked.

Her face fell.

"Kat, don't." Brian came up behind me.

Dom has Ruby.

We all went inside. Alina had Quinn and Brooke drinking bottles and watching Cinderella. She straightened up.

"We have some news." I told the team.

"Is it about the girls?" Kaleb asked. "About Ruby?"

"She's deaf." Brian blurted out.

"What?" Letty frowned.

Brian did his test with snapping near her ears and I even called her name. Dom bounced her slightly.

"What's going to happen?" Kaleb looked devastated. Ruby was Kaleb's star.

"She's going to get hearing aids. And we are all going to take sign language classes. She'll have to learn how to read lips eventually." I sighed.

"Guys, I'm sorry." Rome shook his head.

"I mean, she's only deaf." Cheryl stated. "There's people out there that are blind and deaf, people with cancer.."

"Don't you dare try and sweep this under the rug, Cheryl." I growled. "Because I will beat your ass."

"You need to stop trying to play killer and play mommy instead." Cheryl pointed at me.

I charged at her and grabbed her finger. I bent it back and she fell, gasping.

"Get the fuck out, you bitch. Don't underestimate me because I'm a mother. I still got it."

The next chapter is going to be a lethal one because it involves something with the girls but I want to bring it back to the base of the book and that is Katherine Howard being ruthless and savage.

Do you guys think you know what'll happen?

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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