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I walked into Katherine's office with a knock on the door. She didn't even look up. She flipped the page in the file. She seemed to be studying hard.

"What, O'Connor?"

"O'Connor?" I frowned. "You haven't called me that since you hated me."

"That's because I hate you." She replied. "Again."


"What do you need?"

I looked down at the file. It had my name on it. I frowned deeper. She followed my eyes and closed it. She crossed her hands over it.

"I made reservations at a restaurant." I told her, still bothered by her studying my file so hard.

"And your point being?" She asked.

"I want you to come to dinner with me. We need to discuss some things."

"If you're giving me divorce papers, hand them over now. Save me the horrific night."

"Now you're just being dramatic." I rolled my eyes. "Eight o'clock. I asked Alina to bring you a dress when she brings the girls.

"You think we do what exactly? Have dinner, talk and then what? Because you're not getting any action for a few months."

"I kept it together for more than nine months, baby." I informed her.

"Get out."

"Why are you looking at my file?"

"I'm looking at everyone's file. Seeing why they are on the team, best qualities." She stopped talking.


"And I'm debating on who stays and who goes."

"Katherine you can't do that to us. We're family."

"Tej could be on the tech team, Rome the back up, Dom and Letty on the main battlers."

"And what about me?" I asked her.

She kept quiet.

"If things were reversed Katherine, do you think for a second I would kick you off the team? Despite what you did or didn't do?"

"Well, maybe you can go back to the LAPD days." She shrugged. She began gasping slightly.

I walked out, slamming her door. I ran downstairs to the waiting area. The team sat there.

"What happened?"

"I invited her to dinner."

"And is the team...still a team?" Letty crosses her arms.

I couldn't bring myself to tell them. To see that defeated look in their eyes.

"Nah, everything's good. She just wants time to be alone."

"She's depressed, Brian. She needs help." Dom told me.

"She's fine."

"You're in denial." Kaleb sighed.

"How are you doing with this whole ultimatum thing?" I asked him.

"Good. She's doing this for Alina. Katherine couldn't care less if I drank myself to death."

"Do you want to do it for Alina?" Dom asked him.

Kaleb took a long and hard thinking pause. Then his eyes moved to the door. His eyes lit up. We followed his eyes. Alina was walking in with the girls. Ruby was sleeping. Kaleb smiled slowly.


Alina saw us. She came over.

"Ruby has a fever. Quinn and Brooke keeps bothering her."

I bent down to my girls. "Are you bothering your sister?"

Brooke smiled wide. I laughed.

"Katherine is in her office."

"Alina." Kaleb got up and walked over to her.

She crossed her arms.

"I, uhm, I'm going to get help. You're right."

"I'm what?" Alina squinted.

"You're right." Kaleb repeated.

"I want you to live long." Alina took his hand. "Possibly with me."

Kaleb kissed her forehead. "I leave in a few days."

"I stay here and wait."

Alina pushed the stroller and looked up. We looked too. Katherine was standing up, doubled over. My heart dropped as we bolted to her room. Alina was behind us with the girls but kept them outside. I bursted in her room.

"Katherine, hey hey hey." I grabbed her. She was turning blue. "Someone call the police."

"On it." Tej had his phone to his ear.

Katherine fell on the floor, wheezing. I pushed her hair back. Then suddenly, she fell out. She wasn't moving. I felt for a pulse. There was none.

"Kaleb! Come here!" I shouted.

I began CPR rapidly. I blew in her mouth but still nothing. About five minutes went by and then she gasped for air, jolting awake. She looked sick.

"Baby." I breathe in relief.

"I can't breath." Katherine croaked out.

"Ambulance are on the way." Tej told us.

"Just hold on." I told her. "Take small breaths."

She was wheezing. Really bad. I sat with her and held her hand until the medics came and whisked her away.


So I was forced to watch the Outsiders last night with my best friend and honestly, I fell in love with Ponyboy and Sodapop. 😍

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