When A Howard's Mind is Set

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Tej and Rome both come in with the supplies Katherine sent them out to buy. Katherine was sitting by Kaleb's bed playing a fucking party song on her phone. She placed it by his ear.

"Why are you playing that?" Rome asked.

"This is Tongue Tied. His favorite song to party to. When we were teenagers we used to get drunk to this song. We played it on repeat for hours. Drove my parents crazy." Katherine smiled at her brother.

"Are all of your cute bonding moments with Kaleb when you're drunk?" Tej asked.

"We're Brits." Katherine told him. "We're alcoholics."

I sit in the corner, watching. I felt horrible for the way I talked to Katherine. She didn't deserve that. At all. She's this striving bullet just shooting her way through life and I just hurt her. But I know if I approach her right now, she'll blow up again. And that's the last thing we need.

"Okay. I played that song on repeat for the last hour and I only got so much as a finger twitch." Katherine stood. "We're down to two options."

"And what's that?" Dom crosses his arm.

"Someone either gives him a blowjob..." Katherine began.

"Wait what?" Rome frowned.

"Kaleb is just as much of a sex addict as he is an alcoholic."

"So you do it." Rome rolled his eyes.

Katherine gave him a blank stare as if she was fed up. "Really? You fucking donut, that's disgusting. He's my brother you fucking twit."

"What's the second option?" Dom asked.

"So no one is going to blow him to save his life? You fucking bastards." Katherine hissed. "Tej?"

Tej handed her a bottle of Whiskey. It looked old which meant it was probably good. Katherine pulled a long needle out of her pocket. We all paused.

"Katherine, you're going to shoot him up with alcohol?" Rome frowned.

"Rome, you are a real dumb ass, you know that?" Katherine mumbled.

Katherine opened the bottle quickly and stuck the needle in the liquor, pulling the plunger back.

"Katherine, not that you aren't already but...you're a crazy chick." Letty told her.

"No, love." Katherine paused. "I'm a furious chick."

Letty nodded at what Katherine said. Katherine look at Kaleb's IV and thought for a moment. She came to a conclusion and stuck the needle in the wire hooked up to his arm.

"Kat, you could kill him." I told her.

"He speaks." Katherine pressed the plunger down.

She takes a step back and I swear we saw Kaleb's fingers and toes twitch. Katherine began playing that God awful song again.

"Katherine, just back off and let nature take its course." I whispered to her.

"But if I do that, I will once again abandon him, will I not? To try and revive my brother is too much love but when I distance myself,  it's called abandonment? I don't see where's my win." Katherine smiled. "Oh yeah. I know. It's waking my bloody brother up. Anyone that doesn't like it can gladly get the fuck out."

No one moved.

"All righty!" Katherine grabbed the bottle. "It's my way."

We literally watched as Katherine pried open Kaleb's mouth and poured the Whiskey in. That's it. Katherine has finally lost her mind. I'm not even sure Kaleb can swallow in his state. What the fuck is wrong with her? Everyone was either too scared to stop her or....yeah that's it. Scared.

After a few seconds she stopped and then stared at Kaleb. She set the bottle down, in anger.

"Someone has to blow him! Now!" Katherine hissed.

"No one is going to sex your brother up while he's in a coma!" Letty told her.

"I'd prefer a really hot nurse." Kaleb croaked out. "Like Megan Fox hot. Or Jlo. Every man has fantasized about Jlo."

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