Taking A Break

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"She did what?!" I screamed.

"She destroyed the booze." Kaleb sighed.

We were on the phone.

"The other thing, Kaleb." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, she kicked me off the team." Kaleb sounded hurt. "And she's apparently disclaimed us."

"What the fuck, Katherine?" I hit the door. "Let me try and talk to her."

"Roger that." Kaleb hung up. I can hear Katherine downstairs talking to Alina.

"I tried. If he doesn't stop, that's on him. You don't want to deal with it, that's on you. I'm just done." Katherine's heels clicked as she walked up the stairs.

She entered our room. She looked at me and then rushed to closet and grabbed her duffel bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I need a break. From everything." She began walking downstairs again. I followed her.

"Katherine. Would you hold on for just a second?" I grabbed her wrist. She whirled around.

"I have a mother that for the first time in forever hit me, I have a brother that doesn't want help, I need to find a replacement for him, you are having your period and I have a job I need to do. I need a break."

"Have you forgotten that we're married and have kids? Or are you being selfish, as usual. You kicked Kaleb off the team?! Why in the fuck would you do that?! Have you lost your mind? Katherine, we need Kaleb." I was trying to stay calm. I was failing.

"And right now, I'm about to lose my mind so I advise you to let me go and clear my head." She shook from my grasp and began walking out the door.

"Just make sure it doesn't last a year this time." I mumbled.

She paused and dropped her bag. She slowly turned and walked towards me. She slipped her wedding ring off of her finger. She placed it in my hand.

"You want to play that game? Really? That's lovely. I don't owe you anything, Brian. We're married, yes. But I can easily walk away from you because as you vividly remember, I did it once before." Katherine hissed.

"I didn't mean to say that." I began.

"Yeah you did. You absolutely did." Her voice was changing. It was as if she was struggling to breathe. She crouched over, hands on her knees and took a moment.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

"Don't." She straightened up. "You don't get to throw shit in my face and then be Mr. Grand Husband."

"I said it out of anger." I reached out to touch her.

She swatted my hand away. "Don't fucking touch me. Give my girls a kiss goodnight for me, will you?"

With that, she grabbed her bag and left.


Who was wrong in this situation?

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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