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"Another one: I used to smoke cigarettes. That was before I became a cop and met Dom and everything." Brian informed me when I had come out the shower. I had my robe wrapped my body.

"Really?" I frowned. "I did not know that."

"Why are you being sarcastic?" He frowned.

"Brian, when I left to London, we were just starting to date. I ran all kinds of background tests on you. Gotta try harder."

"That's not fair." Brian frowned deeper. "You cheated."

"I didn't cheat. I wanted to know who I was dating." I argued.

"You cheated." He stood up and grabbed his necessities for his shower.

I prepared myself for bed and wrapped a robe around myself. I walked downstairs. Alina was in the kitchen, smiling at her phone.

"A guy?" I asked, grabbing the Cheez It box and munching on a few.

She put her phone down. "No."

"Alina, I've know you for a while now. I know when you're lying and when you're not." I informed her. "Who is it?"

She looked hesitant.

"Alina. It's me. You can talk to me about anything." I told her.

"Kaleb. It's Kaleb." She finally blurted out.

What the fuck? MI just looked at her.

"We date for three months."

Well I'll be a monkeys uncle. One, how come I wasn't informed about this the moment it was made official? Two, when does Alina have time to date anyone, she's usually at the house with the girls. And three, just what the fuck?

"And how come I wasn't informed?" I asked.

"We said in London." Alina frowned.

"I thought you were just joking."

Alina stood and came over to me. "If you not like, say."

"It's not that I don't like it. It's just...it puts me in a hard place." I sighed. "He's my twin brother, you're my best friend. If things get messy, I would have to choose sides. I don't want to choose sides."

"No sides. No mess. Just happy and fun." Alina clarified.

"Please don't hurt him, Alina." I practically begged. "He needs to be happy."

"We happy. Very happy." Alina smiled warmly.

I nodded slowly.

"So...best friend, huh?"

"Дроссель на члене." I winked at her.

"Kaleb's." She laughed.

"Gross. I don't want to hear any banging at night either." I held up a finger.

"We do nothing." Alina shrugged.

"Wait what? Are you serious? Alina, why?" I am fascinated at the fact that my brother has not only kept a girlfriend this long but also kept himself under control for this long.

"We wait for love."

"Oh God. You're such a киска."

Alina bursted our laughing. Her phone began to vibrate. She looked at it. Her face lit up. She paused and looked at me.

"Don't let me stop you." I held up my hands.

She ran upstairs to her room and closed the door. I walked upstairs to my room and walked in our bathroom. I pulled back the curtain on the shower, Brian whirling around. I ate a Cheez It.

"Alina and Kaleb have been dating for three months." I said.

"I know. Everyone knows. They said it in London." Brian shrugged.

"I thought they were kidding." I repeated.

"You were probably in denial." Brian rinsed his chest off. "Despite you and Kaleb's disputes, you're very protective of your brother. He told me that when he was growing up and he would get a girlfriend, you would make them break up with him."

"So I broke a few bones, threatened a few lives and cut off a few ponytails." I rolled my eyes.

Brian looked at me.


"I personally think they make a good couple. Alina is sassy, keep Kaleb straight."

"If she was keeping him straight, he wouldn't be drinking."

"Baby, the day Kaleb stops drinking for good will be the day the apocalypse will happen."

"He was doing good for a while."

"Lasted a few months." Brian corrected.

"He still tried."

"Drinking is apart of Kaleb's life."

"This is about his dating. He didn't come to me as his sister and tell me."

"He's a man, Katherine. He has to tell you every time he takes a leak?"

"Who's side are you on?" I asked.

"There's sides?" He raised his eyebrows.

"You're supposed to be on my side. Always."

"Okay. I'm sorry. You're right. Kaleb should've told you immediately, he did do good for a while with the drinking. You're beautiful, you're funny, you're powerful."

"Fuck off." I shoved a few snacks in his mouth. He hates them.


How do you feel about Kalebina?

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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