Mr. Nobody Will Save The Day

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I sit at my kitchen counter, looking out the window at the rising sun. It was five forty five in the morning. Brian and I didn't come home until around an hour ago. I wasn't very tired, more like on a high that wasn't coming down. I had an unintentional smile on my face. I was peaceful.

"Morning." Brian groaned, coming into the kitchen. He looked so sleepy and messy.

"Hey, why are you awake?" I asked.

"Workout." He walked to the fridge and got a bottle of water. He unscrewed the cap and began to drink it, staring at me. "Why are you up?"

"Not really tired." I pushed my hair back.

Brian nodded and stretched. "Want to workout with me?"

"Absolutely not." I scoffed and waved my hand.

Brian laughed and nodded. He came over to me and kissed my head. He walked down to the weight room.

So Brian worked out for a long time and the girls woke up soon after he finished. I prepared pancakes for them as they sat in their highs chairs at the counter. I talked to them, signing for Ruby. And I watched them as they ate and after cleaning up, I watched Frozen with them. Well, Ruby wasn't paying it any attention because she couldn't hear it so she just played with blocks on the floor. There was a knock on the door. Brian went to get it. I heard distant conversation and it trailed closer.

"Kat." Brian places a hand on my shoulder.

I turned my head and saw Mr. Nobody standing there. He was in a suit and black shades and had a smile on his face.

"Hey, Katherine." Nobody spoke to me as if he was reuniting with his kid or something.


"The obnoxious and devilish twins we've come to love and hate. Katherine and Kaleb Howard. It was not easy choosing between the two of you. But I know I made the right decision in choosing who will lead this team in the right direction. And I state proudly that I choose Katherine Howard."


I stared at him, trying to push myself further and saw the proud in Kaleb's eyes. I remembered feeling the empowerment when he said my name. I remember him. Mr. Nobody. And the memories of him were way more vivid and blunt than any of the other ones I've been reminiscing.

"Want to chat?" He asked.

I nodded and walked with him to my office. We sat on the couch.

"So...I haven't seen you-" I began.

"I've been dealing with some things." He chuckled. "But all is well. How are you?"

"I'm doing okay, I think. Im peaceful right now. I'm trying."

"You're not trying." Nobody said bluntly.

"What?" I frowned.

"You. Are. Not. Trying." He repeated.

I was confused.

"Let the wall down. Let it fall and crumble and fucking stop hiding behind it."

"What am I hiding behind?"

"The brainwash, the torture. You don't want to remember and that is equally as twisted as the brainwash. It is killing you and everyone around you. How long do you really think it's going to last? I mean, you're already almost there. You're remembering things. Pretty soon, that wall is going to crack and when it does, you won't know how to cope with everything rushing back in-"

"Why is any memory with you in it, so fucking prominent?" I asked, rubbing my temples. "Why are you imprinted in my brain?"

"'re my girl." Nobody smirked. "From day one, you were the one. The thrill in your eyes, the way you could pack a punch. After a training fight, you never jumped up and down is excitement because you won. You had a confidence that no one could match. And you knew that your opponent stood no chance. So what I'm saying to you, shouldn't be scared to get you back. And do you want to know why?"

"Why?" I frowned. I was sort of nervous in his presence.

"Because there's nothing better than a confident Katherine Howard." He patted my knee. "Absolutely nothing. Your dad....he would've been proud of the old you and all you've accomplished. But he would've been disappointed that you were hiding behind this shell."

I stayed quiet.

"You'll be okay. You have love from all over, honey. Let them help you."

Nobody reached into his pocket and pulled out a gold ring band and handed it to me.

"What's this?"

"You don't remember?" He laughed slightly and coughed. "I wanted to give you that ring when you graduated from training but you refused, not wanting to dirty it with blood all the time."

I took it and slipped it on my index finger. "Thank you."

Nobody gave me a smile. "One day, I won't be here to save your ass, dear. Beat this dilemma so I can see my girl again."


I went to see Captain Marvel last night and let me just say that I was not disappointed ❤️❤️

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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