The Beginning of a Good Honeymoon

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I prepare the table for breakfast as quietly as possible. The pancakes are nice and hot and the eggs are fluffy. I made her some homemade orange juice and even cut up some strawberries because she doesn't like to bite into fruit. I hear her moving upstairs, water running for a shower. I smiled. As soon as she got on the jet, she passed out and I had to carry her to the bed and prepped her for bed. We got here around seven in the morning. It's now eleven thirty. I'm already showered and ready for the day.

Around twelve thirty, Kat comes down in a light dress and sandals with her hair out. I hold out two Advil's for her which she downs with the orange juice. She kissed me.

"I'm sorry about last night...getting too drunk." She told me.

"Eh. I've seen what you've had to offer." I laughed.

"Best you've ever had." She sat down at her place which is next to me. "Always keep that in your head."

"Yes ma'am." I held up my hands.

She began to eat her strawberries, seeming pleased I cut them up. I looked at her for a moment. She's truly amazing. I watched her for some time. Her posture, the way she eats. Katherine may be able to kick your ass but she is elegant in every way possible. Her own little princess.

"The fuck are you staring at?" She finally asked.

"You are" I shake my head and began eating.

She smiled at me softly. "Breakfast is delicious. Thank you."

I kissed her. "Anything for you."

She laughed. "I have a wedding present for you, by the way. Have you checked the garage?"

"Wait, what?" I frowned. "I didn't know we were getting each other stuff."

"You got me this rock." She held up her left hand. "I'm entitled to get you a little something."

She wiped her mouth with a napkin and stood. She held her hand out to me and raised her eyebrows. I took her hand and she led me to the garage. There sat a silver 918 Spyder Porsche with a red ribbon on it. I nearly freaked out.

"Katherine! Holy shit!" I ran to it, running my hand over the delicate paint.

"I assume you like it." She grinned.

"Like it? I love it." I told her. "I love you."

She walked over to me and kissed me softly. "I'm sort of feeling the mood watching you all excited for this car."

"Let's go upstairs then. Kind of owe you." I replied.

"I was thinking the roof of the car would be nice." She purred in my ear.

"No. Might scratch the paint." I shake my head.

She rolled her eyes. "Dear God."

"I'm just saying." I shrugged.

"Fine. Upstairs it is. Bitch." She turned and walked to the garage door and into the house.

I paused and admired the car before I ran after Katherine.

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