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I walked into the office with a large cup of coffee in my hands. The team was waiting, tension was rising. Alina sat on the couch, throwing daggers in my direction. Brian didn't even look at me.

"Where's Kaleb?" I asked.

No one answered. Hopefully he's alive. I might need another round tonight. My face was pretty bruised up from the events of last night and I had a bruise on my collarbone from when he drop kicked me. But I wanted to feel the rage again. I wanted to remember.

"Why would you do that to him?" Alina finally spoke.

I sipped my coffee. "What? Kick his ass? I told you I was going to find my anger. And I did. Is that what this is about? Me hurting him? It is not that serious."

"No! It is that serious." Brian whirled around, seeming fed up. "He was doing so good in recovery. And you manipulated him so you could benefit. There were other options. What? Because you are mentally fucked up right now means you have to drag him down, too?"

I was shocked. "You're always complaining about my memory and when I actually accomplish getting some stuff back, I'm in the wrong? Well, excuse me for trying to help with this."

"No, you're actually fucking everything up. I'm so over this. Go lock yourself in a room somewhere and stay out of the way." Brian waved his hand at me, clearly a dismissal.

I looked around at the team. They didn't meet my eyes, signaling that they agreed with him. I must say, that made me feel awful. Brian has the nerve to assume I'm trying for him and for the team. I need myself back. Walking around in a shell is not something I enjoy. Maybe Kaleb's words had some truth to them after all. The team doesn't care about me. Not even Brian. Dom was beginning to say something but I cut him off.

"I was locked in a room for months, remember?" I told Brian. His face changed. "And it took way too long for my family to find me. Way too bloody long. I dont care what it takes but I'm gonna get my memories back. So deal with it, bitches."

I set my coffee down and hurried out of the office, wanting to escape this feeling of pain. I got in my car and drove off.


I parked my car on a mountain and simply laid on the dusty ground. The stars were out, the small insects were making noise. It was peaceful. And as I laid there, I sort of felt alone. It's fine that Brian and the team don't have my back. What's bothering me right now is that I don't even have my own back and it's because my memory is so fucked. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how I was ever going to get myself back. And being shut out wasn't going to help me. I just felt an overwhelming feeling of being alone. It made tears fall out of my eyes and roll down the sides of my face. I shut my eyes and took in the nice breeze and accepted that I'm alone in this. And then I remembered.


"Katherine?" My father walked into my room.

I woke up from my sleep, Kaleb was in my bed. His head rested on my shoulder and his expression was peaceful.

"He had a nightmare?" Father asked.

I nodded. I woke Kaleb up.

"Well, I am here to inform you two that Nobody Inc has accepted you into the program."

"The pansy organization in America?" I frowned, stretching.

"It's not pansy, darling." Father patted my head. "It'll benefit you both. We leave at the end of this week." He lit up a cigarette. "I want better for my children. And if this program is going to make you two better than your mother and I in the terms of combat, then you are going."

I sat back and nodded. "You and Mom are great teachers, you know."

Dad smiled slowly and kissed my forehead. "I love you two. Now, up you both. Your mother has made pancakes."

He stood from the bed and took a puff of cigarette. He walked out of the room.


Hey guys ❤️❤️

Do you guys want me to continue with my original plan to get Katherine back or just hurry up with a new storyline? I mean, I'm not ending the book anytime soon because there's a lot of shit that's going to happen but just lemme know.

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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