Please Don't Care

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I am completely shit faced right now. I am sprawled out on the couch, bottle in hand and singing to Can You Stand The Rain. God, I love music.

"You have such a good voice." Kaleb was on the floor next to my couch. "Go be a singer or something. This thug life has you completely fucked in the head."

I groaned. "Mom always told me I could be the next Whitney."

"She wasn't lying." Kaleb sighed.

"Want to go for a ride?" I asked suddenly.

"Uh, no." Blondie spoke up.

"Excuse me?" I squinted.

"You're drunk. You are not leaving."

"I don't like the word no." I informed him.

"I honestly don't care. And besides, we've hid your keys."

"Sweet. Give me the keys, Ocean eyes." I hold out my hand.

He stayed quiet.

"Fine." I stand, wobbly. "I can hotwire that bitch."

I drunkly run outside to my car, stumbling. I fall into my car door and fall and drag myself to open it. Blondie is right behind me.

"Go back inside." He instructed.

I get in and close my door. He walks around and gets in the passenger seat. I laugh, widely.

"Please give me my keys." I whined.

"Katherine, no."

I rested my head against the wheel, it was cool. I felt the world tipping. I sat back up.

"You aren't supposed to care." I sighed.


"I am such a bitch to you and you care about me driving?" I rolled my eyes.

"First of all, you're drunk. And I've learned to accept your negativity. I don't let it offend me anymore. And just because your rude doesn't mean I'm going to let you die."

"I'm not rude. I'm just honest."

"You called Roman Dark Chocolate. That's not only racist, its rude."

"FIRST OF ALL, BITCH!" I get loud. He stares at me blankly. "I'm not a racist."

"I didn't say you were a racist. I said you made racist comments."

"Oh, shut up, Thor." I snapped.

I felt my world turn sideways and next thing I know, I'm out.


I wake up slowly. My eyelids peeling apart very carefully. The sun is blinding me. I get up from my bed, groggily and shut my blinds. My head is spinning. On my night stand is a glass of water and Advils. I am on my way to take them and feel my stomach lurch. I run to the bathroom and spill my soul into the toilet. I am heavily vomiting in the toilet when I feel hands pull my hair back from my face. I think its Kaleb. I silently thank him as my life goes into the porcelain toilet.

Afterwards, I stand. It's Brian that helped me out. I roll my eyes at him and brush my teeth in the sink and walk back to my room. He follows me.

"Your welcome."

"I didn't ask for your help." I sneered.

"Well you needed it." Brian replied.

I paused, remembering last night.

"Did you bring me up here last night?" I turn around and look at him.

"Yeah." Brian nodded.

"Why? Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"

"I've always been nice to you, Katherine." Brian informed me. "You just never allowed me to. I am a nice guy trying to get on your good side so excuse me if I try to help your stubborn, rude ass!"

With that he stormed out. Well someone is fucking sensitive.

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