New Guy

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Katherine walked in the training room with a sports bra and shorts on. I rolled my eyes at her. Is it really necessary to look good while beating people up? She's baiting me. She ordered us all to sit down.

"Lucas! Get over here." Katherine ordered some model looking guy in a sweat suit. "Everyone this is Lucas."

"He's apart of the Tech team." Tej frowned.

"Of course you would know." Katherine sighed. "He claims he's been wrongfully placed. So we're going to test him. You must last one minute in a match with me. If you do, we'll really test you."

"Test me how, sweets?" Lucas asked.

I frowned.

"I can handle five people in a match by myself. We'll throw in a few more experienced valuable players. Understood? Great. Kaleb, start the timer."

Katherine and Lucas stood in the middle of the room. Katherine cracked her neck and knuckles and got into position.

"Go!" Kaleb told them.

Lucas lunged at Katherine and she swept his feet from under him. He jumped up and threw a punch at her, she grabbed his fist in mid air and stuck her fingers in his rib. He winced and she pushed him. Katherine raised her eyebrows. Then, Katherine lunged at him and he straight decked her in the face. She fell to the ground. We all jumped up, ready to attack him. How dare he? Katherine held up a hand to us. She stood and spit the blood out of her mouth.

"It's fine." Katherine told us. "Part of training."

Lucas pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. My jaw dropped. What the fuck is going on here! I'm her husband and some new guy waltz in and she's just going to let him flirt with her! I was getting heated and fast.

Katherine ran to him again and he grabbed her shoulders. She kneed him in the stomach and kicked her right leg up to his face. Lucas grabbed her leg before it could go back down and he jerked her body to his. Katherine pushed away from him.

"TIME!" Kaleb shouted.

"Kaleb, Alina. Let's go." Katherine cocked her head to the middle of the room.

Kaleb and Alina ran. Alina was sent here to escape Russian attackers. I've never really seen her in battle but she was seemingly prepared as Lucas swung at her. Kaleb threw jabs at him and Lucas deflected them easily. Katherine paused for a minute and just watched as Alina and Kaleb attacked and Lucas stood his ground. She backed up from them and watched. There was a point where Lucas had both Alina and Kaleb by the throat and was leaving himself wide open. Katherine ran to him and kicked him in the chest, he fell back, letting Alina and Kaleb go. We were all shook. Lucas coughed heavily and tapped out. Kaleb and Alina stood up and smiled at each other. They began making out. Katherine helped Lucas up and Lucas began to leave the training room, holding his chest.

"Where are you going?" Katherine asked, hands on her hips.

"I gave in. I'm out." Lucas turned back to her.

"You're on the team." Katherine told me.

"What?" I frowned.

"Huh?" Rome looked confused.

"You lasted in a match with me. I'm the best of the best, love. You are on the team. Congratulations." Katherine gave him a smile.

He winked at her. He fucking winked.


Seems like Brian is a little bit jealous

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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