Toretto Wisdom

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"We've been benched ever since Katherine's rescue case." Maggie told us. "We haven't been training and haven't been placed where we need to."

Katherine sat on the couch in her old office. She was staring at the wall. Dom sat in her old chair.

"We want to start our trainings. We've been running around doing absolutely nothing while you guys are-"

"Are what?" Katherine looked at her. "Trying to get my brain back to normal?"

Maggie immediately looked tensed. "Yes."

"And you are the group's spokesperson?" Katherine asked.

"I'm the only one not intimidated by you all." Maggie admitted.

"I find that hard to believe." Katherine stood up and walked over to her. "Look me in my eyes."

Maggie raised her gaze up to Katherine's eyes.

"Now, remind me, please." Katherine thought for a second. "Training in what exactly?"

"Tech, vehicle, combat...those sort of things." Maggie cleared her throat.

"There's something tickling my brain." Kat placed a hand on her head. "Do I like you? I think I do...Brian, did I like her?"

"You did." I nodded.

"Hmm. Well, I am still the president of this establishment, sane or not." Katherine shrugged. "Your squad will be thrown into battle tonight."

"What?" Maggie got excited.

"Guns, knives, grenades...the whole works. Because apparently you're itching for some training, let's do some real training. You will have to fight for your lives. No help, no leaders. Just you and your team."

"What? Katherine, they are definitely not ready for any sort of combat. They can't even beat you." Kaleb rolled his eyes. "I say that we-"

"Didn't really ask for your opinion, did I?" Katherine turned to him. "Look at this young one's face. She wants thrilling energy. To hear a bullet fly past her ear, inches from piercing her brain. To have your face bashed with a rock, the end of a gun or a damn-"

"Enough." Dom barked. "They are not going on that field, Katherine. And I am in charge until your shrink clears you. My rules."

Katherine seemed taken aback by the orders of Dom. She chuckled softly and slowly walked out of the room. I shook my head, perplexed.

"Maggie, we'll start your training again as soon as that woman knows her own middle name. Right now, we are all focused on bringing her back because she is not only the glue of this squad but she is a wife and mom. Patience."

Maggie pouted softly. "I wanted to hear a bullet."

"Trust me, you do not." I laughed.

The team meeting ended and everyone filed out except me and Dom. I hung back, in need of some Toretto wisdom.

"Last night, I laid next to her and didn't feel....the feels that I used to." I told Dom slowly.

"Brian, Katherine doesn't know who she is. Sex is the last thing-" Dom began.

"No." I shake my head. "Not sex. It's not that at all. When you lay next to Letty, you feel warm and safe and at peace no matter what is going on. Katherine could chase me with a knife and it would be time for bed and I'd look forward to being close to her in our own little bubble. No matter what. And last night, I felt nothing. She just stares at the ceiling and winces and I think she's remembering something but she doesn't tell me. I miss the adrenaline rush I got just from being in the same room as her. I don't even look forward to conversations with her anymore. My wife isn't my wife and it seems like she never will be again. I mean, we have kids and a house and we work to take down evil people and I married her because of her insane emotions that run wild. And she doesn't have that spark of anger in her eyes anymore. It's like she's empty, Dom. And I can't help her."

"I don't think anyone could help her, to be honest." Dom sighed. "She doesn't have a stab wound, she doesn't have a broken leg or something to where she can't help herself. Katherine was tortured for months and had her brain turned into an omelette. She has to want to get herself back."

"And if she doesn't?" I looked at him.

"I feel responsible." Dom admitted to me. "She got caught saving us. She's always risking her life, children or not, to save us and save people and the one time she needed us to save her, we took too long and now she's not even...Katherine. And I feel responsible because I was sitting on my ass, enjoying the view of the workplace while my friend was hurting. So I'm not giving up on her and neither should you. Because no matter how emotionally exhausting she is, she will one hundred percent sacrifice herself for you, for me, for anyone."

I haven't published since last year. 😳

*knee slapper* 😭

-Chicken Soup 🍜 (not gonna lie, I forgot my signature and had to think for a minute)😂

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