Katherine doing what Katherine Does

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The next day, I am up early. I showered, dress and shaved. Its eight o'clock in the morning. I walk downstairs, in the mood for a ride. Katherine is eating a bowl of Captain Crunch and reading a book.

"Hey, I'm going for a little drive. Want to come?" I asked her.

"And where are we going?"

"An old garage I used to hang out." I answered.

She pondered for a moment. "Are you a grandma driver?"

"Oh, please." I rolled my eyes.

We both walk out to my car. We get it and drive onto the road. I zip down the long and endless road. That's Florida. All road, no nothing. Katherine's window is down and I can smell her perfume again. Her hair flips around in the wind.

"So, do you have any clue on why some people are out to hurt you?" I asked her.

"Well, I'm just that bitch." She replied. "I'm awesome, beautiful and smart. Who wouldn't want me?"

She has a point. I bite my lip and turn left.

"I don't like being hidden with some half ass, unprofessional team. I can handle myself." She sneered.

"Half ass? Unprofessional? We've taken down drug lords, special opps... Come on." I get a little angry.

"And ended up on the FBI's most wanted list while doing it." She rolled her eyes. "Kaleb and I have went undercover in the white house, took down a warehouse full of new generation Nazis... We're the big guys around here so excuse me if I offend you children."

"You don't have to be so rude, ya know. It makes you look ugly." I pointed out.

"I'd rather be ugly than broken hearted." She mumbled.

"We're not looking to break your heart." I informed her.

"Humans are built to destroy, you bloody wanker! It's in your nature to be cruel and why should I have to sit and take it?! No! I refuse." She was getting angry.

I remember Kaleb telling us how she gets when she's angry. I sighed. Her body is flawless, a real trophy. But her attitude is such a turn off. I decide I don't want to get to know her after all. I decide to distance myself from her.

I speed up, whipping through endless roads until being next to her pisses me off.

"I'm not really feeling the trip after all." I told her, whipping around.

"Ah. Someone is sensitive." She laughed.

"I'm not sensitive." I replied.

"It's okay Brian." She waved her hand.

"I'm. Not. Sensitive." I stated again.

"Don't use that tone with me, Brian." She spat. "You can't handle a little challenge...THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU WORKING FOR NOBODY?!"

I stayed quiet. Eyes on the road, taking deep breaths. We make it back to the safe house and I immediately get out, leaving her behind. I can hear her laughing hysterically.


Hey guys! Thank you for voting on my book... actually for even taking the time to read it.

Should there be a Katherine reveal soon?

Let me know.

-Chicken Soup.

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