Goodbye Present

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I stand by the car as Paul says goodbye to the crew of Nobody Inc. The team waits with us.

"I have a little present for you sister." Kaleb pulled out a joint.

"Yay." I'm already drunk.

Kaleb lit it just as Brian walked over.

"What's going on?" Brian frowned.

"A little goodbye present, you nut. Katherine and I used to be serious stoners before. But then we got a little too used to it and at times, one joint would do absolutely nothing so we had to smoke like ten to get that high. So we switched over to liquor."

"Oh, Jesus." Brian rolled his eyes as Kaleb held it out to him. "I'm good."

"You're not drunk, you're not getting high. A bore." Kaleb hissed.

"I care about my organs. By the time you are forty, you'll have lived damage and fucked up lungs." Brian shrugged.

I take a few long pulls and feel it warm my body. I hand it to Rome. He takes one hit and hands it to Tej.

"That's why you live while you're young. And Rome, what the fuck was that?" Kaleb gave him a pointed look.

Rome shook his head. Tej gave it back to Kaleb.

"I'm surrounded by Pussies." Kaleb groaned.

"Hey." I said.

"Not you, love. You're awesome." Kaleb looked at Dom and Letty. They shook their heads. "Jesus."

"So this honeymoon, huh? A lot of action." Rome laughed.

"Yes but not tonight, apparently." Brian sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"You're wasted and stoned. No way." Brian shook his head.

"Getting drunk and high and then having banging'll make the evening so much better." I told him as Kaleb handed me the half smoked joint.

"Not happening, Katherine." Brian said shortly.

I rolled my eyes, seeing double. I'm not going to lie, this wedding was perfect. No one fought, no one denied me of my happiness and most of all, I married the love of my life. Can't get much better than that.

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