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I walked into Katherine's office and placed a book on her desk. It was a book about releasing guilt. She looked up from what she was scribbling. Probably another hate note to Nobody.

"Took the girls to Barnes and Nobles to pick their monthly book. Saw that." I expressed to her because she looked confused.

"Don't need a book to tell me that I should get over my dead mentor." Katherine explained.

"Katherine-" I began.

"I'm pregnant." She cut me off, staring at me.

I paused.

"Been throwing up for about three days now. Took a test a little over an hour ago. Positive." Katherine waved her hand. "And I should be jumping with joy right now. But I'm actually freaking out. What if I lose my child? And the's inconvenient."

"Katherine." I sighed.

"I caused the miscarriage, Brian. Running around, coffee after coffee, letting my own shit stress me out. I lost my child. And right now I'm fucking miserable and my uterus thinks it's funny to just snatch on to an egg? Ugh!"

"You're scared that you'll lose this child but yet you're in this office, doing paperwork." I looked at her. "Go home."

"I've abandoned my duties so many times. I just got back from a leave. No one can run this place as smoothly as I can."

"Okay so if you insist on working while pregnant then we'll just have to keep you in here, doing behind the scenes work until you can come back."

"I told you already, Brian. I don't want to fight anymore."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Katherine sat back and sighed.

"Our fourth child, huh?" My heart began to flutter.

"I swear, if more than one baby comes out of me this time, my tubes will be seared off and I will never sleep with you again."

"Not my fault. Twins run in your family. It's on you that we have three little minions running around." I laughed. "Four kids."

"Four kids." Katherine nodded. "I already made my doctors appointment to confirm that I'm pregnant and all of that good stuff. I go in the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow I give the certificates to the newbies. Went through their files and everything. One less thing to worry about."

"What's the next thing?" I asked.

"Still need to find the China base, I need to rally up the backup crew, definitely need to get in touch with the council because I want to do something very important and I need their approval. I'm grieving and pregnant which probably isn't a good mix but I'm happy I'm able to conceive. And I need to figure out what to do with Quinn to keep her occupied."

"You got a lot on your plate, Ms. Nobody."

"Indeed I do." She clicked her pen twice.

"And I'm right here if you need help." I reassured her.

She gave me a sad smile. "I love you."

"I love you." I stood and stretched. "We're having a fucking baby."

"A fucking baby." Katherine beamed.

I laughed. "I gotta go tell the team."

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