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"What did you do to him, Ms. Howard?" Spencer asked me as he and Nate unloaded the wounded pompous dick from the trunk.

"You know me. Can't put a gun down if I wanted to." I replied.

Spencer laughed.

"I'll see you lot later." I walked back to the car. I get in and start it up.

The car ride back to my childhood home is long and deadly quiet. I can feel the eyes boring on my back. Brian was groaning in agony and sweat shun on his forehead. I reached into my glove department and threw him a few napkins and bandages.

"You'll live." I stated.

We make it to my gates. My guard, Tony, opened them for me.

"So you left us and came out here to live the sweet life, huh?" Kaleb snapped.

"It's not what you think, brother." I replied.

"So tell me what's going on." He said as I stopped the car in front of my house.

"You wouldn't believe me if I did. You have to see it." I told him. "Let's go. I'm hungry."

They piled out of my vehicle. Kaleb looked around. When we walked in he was appalled.

"You changed nothing." He was breathless.

"Why would I?" I rolled my eyes.

My cook, April, greeted me in the kitchen.

"Would you be a dear and make us some salads?" I asked her.

"How about no." Rome spoke up. *I would like some fried chicken or something."

"I disagree with that but you heard the man." I waved my hand.

April practically ran to the kitchen to make the orders. I told them to sit down at my table.

"Do you have a First Aid kit or something?" Tej asked me.

I groaned and walked to my bathroom. I grabbed my first Aid kit and bought it back to the table. I placed it in front of Brian. Some blonde hair chick stood and began to tend to his wound.

"So you fall off the map without a call...a letter...and now your working with the British Base?" Kaleb narrowed his eyes.

"Nobody Inc couldn't handle this. It was personal." I replied.

"There's nothing we can't handle." Letty corrected.

"Besides this." I sighed.

"Katherine. Why. Did. You. Leave?" Kaleb said slowly.

"Don't you use that tone of voice with me." I held up a finger.

"Were you even going to come back?" He was upset.

"Of course I was. At first. But as time went on, I knew I wouldn't be excepted back so I considered staying after this case." I told them honestly.

"Good choice." The blonde said.

"And who are you? My replacement?" I squinted at her. "They could've picked someone with a better body."

"Excuse me?" She grilled me.

"I don't know who you are nor do I care to be bloody honest. All I know is that you better watch your tone with me." I told her. "I am not one to tango with."

"Oh I've heard of you and how your some big shot in Nobody Inc." She rolled her eyes.

"Exactly. So respect yourself before I put a hurting on you so bad the devil will cry." I threatened.

"Cheryl. Just don't." Brian grunted.

"Do listen." I winked at her.

She gave me a dirty look. I turned to my brother who is obviously hurt.

"I am sorry I left the way I did but I had to because of the fact that this is something I had to do alone."

"What?" Dom asked. He was the only one that didn't seem mad at me.

I stood and went to my counter where I grabbed the file. I handed it to Kaleb. I sat back down.

Kaleb shifted through the file. He picked up the pictures. He seemed in disbelief.

"No way. She's dead."

"No explanation of why her heart stopped and closed casket." I stated.

"People randomly drop dead every day. I couldn't handle looking at her that way." Kaleb put the pictures down. The team examined them.

"Why would the Brits just randomly decide to play games. Especially with us." I rolled my eyes. "Take Letty for example. She supposedly died right, and here she is. Why is this any different?"

"Because everyone hates our family here. Duh." Kaleb nodded. "And Letty....I don't know. It's not possible."

"Believe what you want. Thank you for leading me to the location the team has finally settled down in. You can leave now." I stood.

"We are helping you, Katherine." Brian finally spoke to me. "It's not a discussion."

I groaned in frustration. "Fine. Pick a room. Just don't get in my way." I stormed upstairs.

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