The Stars

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I pulled up to a parking lot at Nobody Inc. Katherine looked at me, completely confused.

"I am in a red dress and heels with makeup on." She began. "And you took me to my job? To work?"

"Don't start." I shut off the engine and got out. I went to her side and opened the door.

"So are we going to have a Mr. and Mrs. Smith moment? Fight to the death?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Katherine, stop." I rolled my eyes. I pulled a blindfold out of my pocket. "Put this on."

"Mr. Grey will see you now." She joked.

"No. It's not like that! Jesus. Just put it on, please." I was annoyed now.

She could see me losing my patience and then motioned for me to put it on. I carefully placed it over her eyes and decided to test it. I raised my fist and made a motion that I was going to punch her. I wasn't going to of course, I just needed to know if she could see or not. But she grabbed my fist before I could stop my own hand.

"I'm blindfolded, Brian." She smiled and dropped my hand. "But I'm still an assassin."

I laughed and we walked into the building, me guiding her slowly. She didn't seem concerned that she'll knock into something. She trusted me even with her scrambled head. That made me feel good. I took her to the elevator and helped her on, going to the training quarters. I made everyone go home. For tonight, the building was vacant. I'm pretty sure nothing major would happen within a few hours.

I let her get off the elevator first and stand at the entrance of the room as I went to turn on the lights inside. I was nervous as the beautifully placed lights lit up. It was like I was trapped in a room full of fireflies. Small bulbs hung from the ceiling, making it look like you were in space. Behind these lights was a surprise that the newbies decided to do. It was something to help her memory. I didn't know what it was myself.

I opened the doors and took Katherine's hand, leading her in.

"Can I take this kinky thing off now?" She asked.

"Yeah." I nodded.

She slowly slid the mask off, messing up her hair a bit. She looked at the lights, completely shocked. I saw her eyes light up but it wasn't because of the reflection. It was her soul shining. Her cheeks turned rosy. I couldn't help but stare at her.

"" She whispered, her lips turning up slowly.

"Hmm?" I smiled.

"What the fuck?" She gasped. "The lights! The lights!"

It was like a kid in a candy store.

I took Katherine's hand in mine and began to push the bulbs aside to get to the back where the surprise was. It was a bunch of Polaroids taped to the wall. Some of Katherine as a baby, some as a teen with her mom and dad, some with just Kaleb, our wedding, us arguing in the office, the birth of our triplets, us laughing together...

"Do we have stalkers?" She asked.

"Most of them are most likely from Kaleb. Or Alina." I shrugged. I was stunned by the organization of this whole thing.

Katherine started at the beginning of the wall and made her way down, pausing momentarily and got that blank look in her eyes.

"When Kaleb was in a coma, you told me I only cared because I felt guilty for not loving him the way I should've." Katherine paused on a picture of her and Kaleb as teens. "Do you still think my love for my brother is powered by guilt?"

I remembered that argument. I didn't answer. Do I think she hates Kaleb? No. I believe she adores her brother but I still believe that she feels terrible for treating him the way she did and everything she does for him is sort of like a way of making up for it.

"And then days later... I couldn't stand the smell of bacon and I threw up....and then I found out I was pregnant." She murmured. "Pregnant."

She touched the photo of her with a swollen belly and chipotle.

"Do you think I was built for this life? Honestly? Marriage, kids..." She trailed off.

"No." I shake my head. "I think you were meant to shoot bullets and kick people in the face."

She looked at me and bit her lip.

"But you adapted to this life. You let down a wall and let me in and we got didn't think us having a kid would be a good idea but you didn't get rid of sucked it up and took the responsibility as a wife and a mother. And that's why I love you. Because you turned your whole future around for, Katherine. And I can't thank you enough for that. But what I can do is hold your hand while you struggle through this current situation and support you. And even when you're wrong, I will still love you."

Her face turned bright red.

"You are the love of my life and I'm sorry you are struggling right now." I stepped closer to her and kissed her softly. "But just know that I love you. I will always love you. Even when I want to walk away. I wont."

She smiled and looked down. "How long did you rehearse that?"

"Fuck off, Katherine." I laughed and turned back to the pictures.

"For what it's worth..." She took my hand. "I love you, too."

It felt good to hear that. She grabbed my face and pulled me in for a fiery kiss. We began to kiss for a few minutes and then some, right under the twinkling stars.


Thank you for 100k reads. That shit is dope. 🌟🤩

How are you all? 💕

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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