It's Not Hard To Say Good

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"Think Katherine will lose it?" Letty asked me as we sat in the first row.

"Not here. Too many people. She's really prideful. A breakdown would indicate weakness." I replied back.

"She lost her mentor. There's nothing worse than that." A familiar voice spoke up.

We all turned in our seats and saw Luke Hobbs sitting behind us in a tight black suit.

"Uhm, hi." Rome frowned.

"Nobody gave me some of my best cases. It's my duty to give him a farewell. I also worked with the twins at one point before their style of action got in the way of the job and a target got away."

I nodded slowly.

"Katherine found him sometime later but a lot of damage was caused before that." He concluded, sitting back in his seat.

We all turned around and the doors opened. In walked the Howard's. Katherine in front and her mom and Kaleb flanking her. They looked like they were walking a runway rather than the aisle of a funeral. Katherine's jaw was clenched and I knew under the shades there were tears that threatened to expose her. My heart felt heavy. Her mother sat beside us but the twins stood on the podium, arms crossed in front of their body, heads up. No emotion. Well, Kaleb was a mess and it was visible. Katherine kept nudging him.

"I bet one hundred dollars that Katherine will lose her shit." Letty sighed.

"Two hundred says she starts shooting." Tej shook Letty hand.

"She's not. She's fine." I snapped. "No bets. This is serious. Just leave her be. Whatever happens, I'll deal with it. I always deal with it."

They shut up after that.



"And so, a great leader has said his goodbye to those he truly valued. Mr. Nobody wasn't a regular person. He shun with light and humor but kept his people in line when needed. He's saved millions of lives and for that, Nobody will always be greatly loved and cherished, not just by me but by all." Council member, Stephen Stones, waved his hand toward the casket.

He stepped down from the podium and gestured for Kaleb to go. We've been through four speeches. Let's hope Kaleb doesn't over do it. I want to get out of here. Kaleb slowly walked up to the podium and adjusted the mic. His voice was shaky as he spoke.

"I was five years old when I learned to chuck a knife. I was seven years old when I learned how to deliver a solid punch, one that would do damage. I was ten when I learned how to snap a neck." Kaleb paused. I rolled my eyes towards the ceiling. "And I was sixteen when I met, Mr. Nobody. And with every combat move that was planted in my brain, Nobody showed me more. Showed me loyalty, showed me compassion and showed me how much I've actually missed out on my sisters progress. Mr. Nobody showed me that a man even through wars and combats and suicide missions that none of that mattered if I wasn't willing to save others rather than just myself. I've learned a lot....I've seen a lot....I've done a lot." Kaleb started to choke up.

I walked up behind him and touched his shoulder.

"I love you, Nobody." Kaleb waved.

I had an intense urge to giggle for absolutely no reason. What the fuck is wrong with me? Kaleb was so extra.

Kaleb went back to his place, leaving the speech for me. I sighed as I stood at the podium. I didn't have the time for this.

"I met Nobody at a time where nothing except blood and guts mattered. Not friends, not partying, not even my own twin brother. I cared for nothing except a mission. Nobody told me that I was the star of the bunch I was set with. Always watched me, always took notes and always believed in me. Mr. Nobody wasn't nobody to me. He was my hero, my dad, my support and the one person I could always count on. Didn't matter if I was dying in a field or drunk in a ditch...he was always there. With Nobody's support, I became someone I never thought I would. A wife, a mother, a friend....a human being placed on this Earth not just to kill but to care. And I find myself regretting ever meeting him because it wouldn't phase me that he's gone. But he is. And I did in fact know him. And he knew me. I will never forget the man with the slick back hair and cool shades and high tech organization that gave my brother and I a home and I will do right by him as Mrs. Nobody and keep this organization going until the day I can pass it down. Sleep well, Nobody. You were epic."

And with that, my soul left my body and I had the urge to just breakdown. But there was too many eyes. I saw Brian tense up in his seat, ready to catch me when I fell. But there would be no falling. There would be no tears. There will be no emotions. I walked down to his open casket and stared at him for a moment. Kaleb came up beside me. I planted a kiss on his cold forehead.

"Want to go?" Kaleb whispered to me. All eyes were on us.

He laced his fingers with mine.

"Yeah." I looked at him through the shades. "Fuck this."

We turned abruptly and I saw Brian looking confused as my brother and I walked down the aisle to the doors.

-Chicken Soup 🍜

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